Arjen Vos

Title of the article Qualifications Frameworks Leading to Reforms in East European Education[1]
Authors Arjen Vos
Year 2014 Issue №6 Pages 149
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract The paper examines the evolution of qualifications frameworks across Europe. Five years ago, it was not clear if the discussions on national qualification frameworks (NQF) in Eastern Europe would lead to the new standards and qualifications development, or initiate the reforms in education and training. Now, there is evidence of more countries using the NQFs to promote a dialogue between the public and private sectors on the expected outcomes of educational process. In some countries, the private sector has even taken the lead in the NQF discussions, being increasingly involved in their implementation. This is a fundamentally new paradigm in education policies and a cornerstone of the demand driven education and training. Each country is following its own patterns while moving to the comparable results. However, this is just the initial stage of NQF implementation. The author regards learning by doing and the local expertise expansion as the key challenges of the coming years. Although the reforms take time, they increasingly tend to become a shared public and private responsibility.
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Index terms qualification framework, paradigm, standards.

1. Castejon J. M. (ed.), Chakroun B., Coles M., Deij A., McBride V. Developing Qualifications Frameworks in the EU Partner Countries: Modernizing Education and Training, ETF, 2011.

2. ETF’s Qualification Platform, ETF, 2012. Available at:

3. Global National Qualifications Framework Inventory. ETF, Cedefop, UIL UNESCO, 2013.

4. Lempinen P., Sector Skills Councils, ETF position paper, ETF, 2013.

5. Making Better Vocational Qualifications, by the ETF Communities of Practice on Qualifications, ETF, 2014. (forthcoming).

6. Qualification Frameworks: From Concepts to Implementation, ETF, 2012. Available at:

7. Taurelli S. (ed.), Lempinen P., Galvin Arribas, J. M. Con­ti­nuing Vocational Training in Eastern Europe, ETF, 2013. Available at:


[1] Статья пе­ча­та­ет­ся в ав­тор­ской ре­дак­ции.


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