Zeyer E. F.

Title of the article Controversial Aspects of Innovative Trends of Vo­cational Pedagogic Education
Authors Zeyer E. F.
Year 2013 Issue №5 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper discusses the controversial theoretical and practical aspects of vocational pedagogical education, its target orientation and distinction from the general pedagogical education. The authors propose the heuristic model of professional educational environment as the methodology basis for fostering the vocational teacher training; the model involves the synergy principle and includes the three coordinate vectors: human subjects of the above environment, continuing vocational education, and professional world.

The paper provides the comparative paradigm analysis of traditional and innovative advanced education, and traces the logic of innovative achievements and their implementation in educational practice. The author regards the interdisciplinary education as the main factor improving the effectiveness of innovative education, and suggests the project method as a means for integrating the disciplines and developing the interdisciplinary competence.

In conclusion, the author emphasizes the need for updating the vocational pedagogical education by consolidated efforts of scientists and practicing teachers.

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Index terms vocational pedagogical education, professional and educational environment, multidimensionality, innovative education, interactive methods of training.

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