Staritchenko B. Y.

Title of the article Evaluating the Outcomes of Students’ Training in the Context of In­for­ma­ti­on Technology Model of Edu­ca­ti­on
Authors Staritchenko B. Y.
Year 2013 Issue №5 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper deals with the urgent problem of estimating the students training quality in higher educational institutions; the authors emphasize the need for transition to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) corresponding with the Bologna Declaration in order to provide both academic and labor mobility of students and university graduates. The system of credit accumulation is described according to the ECTS grading scale along with the specifics of its implementation in the Russian universities. However, as the statistic success criterion can not be applied to the Russian higher schools, the author recommends using the percentage of a performed task as the outcome index indicating the discipline mastering.  

The algorithm of academic activity and its outcome estimation is observed in the framework of the IT-educational model. The examples of planning the content of the discipline basic minimum are given along with the complexity valuation, timing and credit distribution. The formula for identifying the volume and individual task assessment are given; the possibility of combining the national assessment scale with ECTS is denoted.

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Index terms Bologna process in Russia, evaluation of student’s training activity, ECST grading scale, information technology model of education, implementation of ECTS in the framework of the IT‑education

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4.  Tuning educational structures in Europe:

5.  The experience of Russian institutes of higher education on the use of credits

6.  The transition of universities of the Russian Federation on the academicals credit system (ECTS): the experience of the South-Ural state University and Samara state University

7.  Sazonov B. A. The Bologna process: actual problems of modernization of Russian higher education: a Training manual / B. A. Sazonov. – M.: FIRO, 2006. – 184 p.

8.  Starichenko B.E. Information-technological model of training /Education and science. 2013. – № 4. pp.91-112

9.  Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks (2005) A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area;

10. ECTS Users Guide. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg, 2009. policy/doc/ects/guide_en.pdf

11. The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999,


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