Shcherbina Y. S.

Title of the article Priority Changes in Educational System as a Response to the Challenge of Time
Authors Shcherbina Y. S.
Year 2013 Issue №1 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

In modern time of globalization, integration, increasingly growing flow of information, technological boom and the worldwide information network, the existing system of secondary education can not provide the required understanding of the current processes. That is why the author substantiates the need for radical changes of the content and organization of school education, in particular the transition to a holistic, trans-disciplinary system in order to meet the requirements of time and fit the cognitive needs of students. The author proposes the alternative teaching system – EVOLSH – that takes the evolutionary principle as the basics for a new school model formation. This approach offers a new way for modeling the teaching process and the optimal system of education.

The proposed system of EVOLSCH provides students with a holistic world perception and global outlook in the most favorable operational mode for each student. The system approbation demonstrates its advantages and prospects from the philosophic, pedagogic, neurobiological and psychological viewpoint. However, for its adaptation to the educational process there is a need for further collective cooperation of teachers developing the methodology basis for its implementation.

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Index terms globalization, integrity, creation, evolution, education system, modules, projects.

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