Zhukova Ye. D.

Title of the article The Essence of Personal Hu­ma­nitarian Culture
Authors Zhukova Yelena Dmitrievna
In the section Culture studies
Year 2014 Issue №8 Pages 92
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The aim of the research is to explore the development dynamics of the «humanitarian culture» concept, single out the ways of its renewal, and specify the origins of personal humanitarian culture.

The methods include the theoretical analysis of existing viewpoints on the given issue, formalization of related characteristics, and observation of motivating attitudes to reality. The research is based on the ideas of A. Moles related to cultural socio-dynamics.

The research findings prove the discrepancy between the humanitarian and technocratic, cultural and civilizational attitudes to reality, and consider the humanitarian culture as a personified socio-cultural characteristic rather than cultural context.

Scientific novelty includes identification of development dynamics of the «humanitarian culture» concept, the ways for updating its content, and the effect on education development.

Practical significance of the present study lies in developing the theoretical tools for further empirical research in the process of personal humanitarian culture formation, and ways for activating the theoretical components of teacher training both in the postgraduate education system and self-studying.

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Index terms culture, humanitarian culture, humanitarian education, personal humanitarian culture, emphasis on humanitarian culture, emphasis on pedagogy.

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