Igoshin V. I.

Title of the article Discrite Mathematics Training of  Pedagogical  Bachelor and Magistracy Students – the Future Teachers of Mathematics and Com­puter Science
Authors Igoshin V. I.
Year 2013 Issue №7 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The research subject concerns the discrete mathematics teaching - a fundamental aspect of training the future teachers of mathematics and computer science. This field of mathematics has had the priority in various practical applications since 1970s and till our days. The paper outlines the model of pedagogical mathematical education including the following disciplines: mathematical logic, discrete mathematics and algorithm theory. The given model is developed for three educational levels: general education, in-depth bachelor course and post-graduate course, and is based on the comprehensive analysis of mathematical logic and discrete mathematical ideas and methods incorporated in the school course of mathematics and computer science.

The recommended model can be taken as the methodology basis for developing educational plans and curricula for pedagogical higher schools and departments of classical universities to provide the graduates with the application tool of discrete mathematics.

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Index terms mathematical logic, discrete mathematics, algorithm theory, teacher of mathematics and computer science, bachelor and post-graduate course, model of fundamental education.

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