Ronzhina N. V.

Title of the article Economic Laws of Social Development as Determining Factors for Fostering the Competent Personality of the 21st Century
Authors Ronzhina N. V.
Year 2013 Issue №6 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper analyzes the dialectic relationship between the economic law effects and specific professional thinking formation. The methodology of the multidisciplinary research is based on scientific works in pedagogy, philosophy, economics of labor and economics of education. The author classifies the economic laws according to their impact to various spheres of social life, and the society’s development level; and emphasizes the fact that tasks and outcomes of professional training are conditioned by dominating economic factors of a specific historical period.

While the pre-industrial era required both craftsmen and intellectual elite – governors, politicians, philosophers; the industrial era, due to cooperation and labor division, required widely qualified workers; the postindustrial society has a need for multilevel professional workers dealing with information and communications technologies, and endowed with communication skills, creativity, mobility, capacity for self-education and self development.

The author considers the economic laws of labor division and variation, their relevance as well as transformation in the course of time, and outlines the future needs both for narrow and versatile specialists capable of fulfilling the complex technological tasks.

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Index terms economic laws, law of labor division, law of labor variation, professional thinking, creativity, mobility, communication skills.

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