Shafranov-Kutsev G. F.

Title of the article Teachers Training for Working with Gifted Chil­dren and Teenagers in the Framework of the Modern University Complex
Authors Shafranov-Kutsev G. F. 
Year 2013 Issue №6 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper looks at the intellectual elite reproduction as one of the key elements of innovative society development. In 2012, Russian President approved the National Concept for Identifying and Fostering the Young Talents. In many regions, there are local projects targeting gifted children and teenagers. Though, the main concern is the teaching staff development for working with extraordinary students. In author’s opinion, the university complexes appear to be the most capable of fulfilling the given task by providing the fundamental classical education expanding the horizons of professional perfection both at theoretical and practical levels; in this regard, the positive experience of Tumen State University, incorporating the Higher Pedagogical School and the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, is revealed.

The main emphasis is on the high schools within the university complexes; the advantages of summer schools in selecting gifted children and developing creativity and intellectual abilities are demonstrated. The author maintains that the teaching staff readiness for working with gifted children has long term prospects for developing the nation’s intellectual potential, and therefore can be regarded as the key criterion estimating the effectiveness of educational establishments. However, the managerial staff should be provided with the relevant indicators for monitoring the above activity.

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Index terms gifted children, teaching staff development, high school attached to university, summer school.

1. _ (scientist)


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5.  Y.Kuzminov. The directions of a development of education in Russia. Professional education. Capital. 2013 No. 1, p. 11.


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