Safontsev S. A., Safontseva N. Y.

Title of the article Batching Prin­cip­le of Ra­ting Po­int Accru­al
Authors Sa­fontsev S. A., Sa­fontse­va N. Y.
In the section CONSULTATIONS
Year 2014 Issue №4 Pages 146
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract The paper analyzes characteristics of the postindustrial educational system, including the credit competence assessment, academic loads, and module-rating discipline structure. The employers’ judgments, reflected in the survey outcomes, make it possible to single out the most significant competencies for students to master. Such findings are regarded as a foundation for developing the assignment modules, integrating the problematic, testing and projecting tasks, designed to master necessary competences; their effectiveness is estimated by using the criteria of behavioral psychology. The paper demonstrates the sequences of monitoring assessment of students’ academic achievements, and recommends the batching principle of rating point accrual, based on criterion-oriented evaluation standards, reflecting students’ competence levels. The authors identify the basic competence indicators: interest in the subject, reflections on the test results, and inner motivation for project activities. The complex of batching equations is given for developing the training cards of academic disciplines, and guaranteeing the effectiveness of education system.
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Index terms competency, module, rating, monitoring, expertise.

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