Morozova Galina A.

Title of the article Principal approaches to developing the National Qualifications Framework in Germany in the context of lifelong learning
Authors Morozova Galina A.
Year 2014 Issue №5 Pages 67
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 37.001.76 Index BBK  

The paper gives an overview of the education system in Germany and explores the structure of National Qualifications Framework, developed in compliance with the Recommendations of the European Parliament and Council, and reflecting the specificity of the four-level educational structure. The author regards it as an effective means for educational system modernization and interaction with the labor market. Additionally, the research demonstrates the mechanisms, put forward by the Association for Developing the German Qualifications Framework to guarantee the compatibility and comparability of German and European qualifications; it also denotes the eight levels of German National Qualifications Framework along with their descriptors.

The author believes that German experience of classification and systematization of qualifications in question can be used by Russian specialists.

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Index terms German National Qualifications Framework, structure of descriptors, comparability, level descriptors.

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2. Deutscher Qualiikationsrahmen für lebenslanges Lernen verab­schiedet vom Arbeitskreis Deutscher Qualiikationsrahmen (AK DQR) am 22 März 2011. Available at:

3. Bildungssystem in Deuschland. Available at: dic.nsf/dewiki/171291

4. Deutsches Bildungssystem. Available at: wiki/File:Deutsches_Bildungssystem-quer.svg.

5. German System of Education. Available at:


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