Guryev S. V.

Title of the article Ways of Using Computers in Physical Education Clas­ses of Senior Preschool Children
Authors Guryev S. V.
Year 2012 Issue №10 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 373.037:004(075) Index BBK  

Using computers in the preschool children teaching is a comparatively new and actively discussed idea in pedagogic society. The research is aimed at substantiating the necessity and effectiveness of integrating the information technologies into the physical education classes of the senior preschool children, in particular, for the health preserving training. The author describes the methods developing the health preserving attitude and skills. One of them - the biological feedback method, based on using the “Breathing” computer simulator, - is regarded as the perspective one.

The paper contains the theoretical and practical materials on the problem of information technologies application in preschool educational establishments; the obvious pedagogic, methodological and economic advantages are given in comparison with the traditional educational forms. 

The paper is targeting the teachers and students of pedagogic higher schools and physical training institutes, scientists, methodologists, and information technologies experts in educational sphere.

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Index terms: information technologies, computer, preschool children, physical culture, healthy lifestyle.

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