Tchapayev N. K., Shevchenko K. V.

Title of the article To the Issue of the Subject Definition of Pe­da­go­gic Acmeology
Authors Tchapayev N. K., Shevchenko K. V.
Year 2012 Issue №10 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 378.1+378.323 Index BBK  

The paper investigates the subject of pedagogic acmeology as an evolving phenomenon integrating a complex set of pedagogic, psychological, anthropological and socially significant characteristics. The methodology framework is based on dialectics – «the only method that can grasp a living reality on the whole» (A. F. Losev). As the result, the author comes up with his own definition of pedagogic acmeology as a science dealing with the conformities and ways of developing the human potential and aimed at the positive personal achievements in educational process; wherein the man is regarded as the human subject, individual and individuality - i.e. a holistic multi-dimensional personality.

The significant conclusion of the study involves the idea that pedagogic acmeology should not be confined to teacher’s professional activities, as it was previously stated, but should include the  activities of a learner as a growing and developing human being. In other words, pedagogic acmeology should overcome the age restrictions confining its subject matters to the adult’s activities.

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Index terms: development, pedagogic acmeology, professionalism, age, maturity, subject of acmeological activity, professionalism, multidimensional human personality, professional personal development, professional personal potential.

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