Zhukov G. N.

Title of the article
Development and Implementation of Continuing Vo­cational Pedagogic Education
Zhukov G. N.
Year 2013 Issue №4 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to organizing and ensuring the effectiveness of continuing vocational education. The author describes the general theoretical idea of a lifelong education that no longer raises any doubts and objections. The continuing education is regarded as a versatile process affecting psychological, social and professional spheres, and requiring therefore the integrative – i. e. personal, social and competence approach.

Referring to the expertise of Kemerovo region, the author considers the functional aspects of continuing vocational teacher training. The main emphasis is on the advantages of the network cooperation of institutions representing different educational levels and structures. Such cooperation involves the qualitative changes of content, as well as economics and management of vocational education. The experimental project of the network lead-up for vocational training masters is described.

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Index terms continuing education, system of vocational teacher training, personal, social and competence approach.

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