Marochkin S. Yu., Shunevich M.I.

Title of the article Some Issues of Teaching and Learning of Corporate Governance in Law Institutions and Universities in the Context of the International Master’s Double Degree Program «European and International Law»
Authors Marochkin Sergey Yu., Shunevich Marina I.
Year 2015 Issue №2 Pages 41
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The focus of this paper is a necessity for law-students not only to master professional legal knowledge, but also knowledge and skills in the management of corporations and enterprises. This issue is particularly relevant for the course of European law, as well as for the corresponding master’s degree programs «Jurisprudence». Key attention is paid to the necessity of including such academic disciplines for students as the topic «Corporate governance» and the theme «Corporate Law» into the magister program of two diplomas «European and International Law» for the universities of Eastern Europe. In this context, development of corporate governance in Central Europe and Russia is compared; the problems of such management in the Russian economy are designated.

The aim of this study is analysis and systematization of theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as practical guidance in the development of teaching and studying of corporate governance in high law schools and colleges. To achieve this task the following objectives were: to analyze the basic acting model of legal education and modern educational technologies necessary for the implementation of the system of higher education; organize and summarize the theoretical and methodical bases of corporate governance, its principles; define the role corporate governance in the implementation of business activity, as well as to compare its role in Russia and Central Europe; explore the practical importance of training in the field of corporate law

Methods. The research is based on the dialectic method regulating legislative norms, including the corporate right and activity of managing subjects. The retrospective analysis of pedagogical achievements and forecasting were used.

Results. Working models of the juridical education and the modern educational technologies are considered in the present paper. Such models help promote systemization and generalisation of leading positions of a corporate governance, and its principles. The corporate governance role in realisation of enterprise activity in Russia and the Central Europe is defined. The role of corporate law course in the curriculum of higher legal education and the practical significance development of the given subject for the future experts-lawyers is shown.

Scientific novelty. The value of teaching and learning issues of corporate governance in the course of legal institutions and higher educational institutions is reviewed and analyzed for the first time with regard to the new initiative of the international double degree program among the members of the consortium of several universities in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe.

Practical significance. The research findings and results of the study can be used as for the development of both the level of students’ knowledge and expand the professional level of teachers’ skills, as well as to solve the problems of improvement of corporate management business entity of any organizational-legal form, in which the functions are separated by ownership and management.

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Index terms improvement of the quality of legal education, magister program, development of corporate governance, Russia, Central Europe, International law, European law, economic reforms.

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