Gadzhieva I.Sh.

Title of the article Actual Knowledge of a Standard and Legal Basis of Migration as a Condition of Migrants’ Successful Adaptation to the New Social Environment and Their Adoption by Aboriginal Inhabitants
Authors Gadzhieva Izafa Sh.
In the section SOCIAL PEDAGOGY
Year 2015 Issue №1 Pages 93
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The research aim is to find out adaptation conditions of migrants to the new environment and their adoption by aboriginal inhabitants.

Methods. The methods include questioning of migrants on awareness of public services activity; the analysis of the migration reasons; examination interview about documents knowledge regulating international and interethnic relations.

Results. The research outcomes include the investigation and analyses of the migrants’ knowledge level on public services that take up problems of their living environment creation, opinions of the voluntary and forced migrants on activity of the given services and the organizations, and also local residents’ knowledge of the normative legal documents maintenance that regulate interethnic relations.

Scientific novelty. The author draws out the migration policy gaps and justifies the need of the necessity of special educational work among migrants and host country. It is especially important to take measures and do this work among studying youth. Conversance with the normative legal basis of migrant processes, migrants’ preliminary instructions and preparation to new ethnocultural environment can essentially facilitate adaptation of migrants and provide adequate local residents’ perception where the migrants decide to locate.

Practical significance. The research data and results are the central point for creation and realization of the educational program directed to development of tolerance, respect and the positive attitude to other cultures, representatives of other nationalities; formation of conflict free coexistence in multi-ethnic society, increase of empathy and ethnocultural competence.

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Index terms interethnic interaction, awareness, psychological preparation, adaptation of migrants

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