Symanyuk E.E., Deviatovskaja I.V.

Title of the article Life-long Education as a Resource to Overcome the Psychological Barriers in the Process of Professional Development of the Individual
Authors Symanyuk Elvira E., Deviatovskaja Irina V.
Year 2015 Issue №1 Pages 80
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The current situation in Russia is characterized by rapid modernization and development of various spheres of activity. Intense pace of social and economic development of some countries, the processes of globalization, increasing competition due to the open labor market, act as a call to the level of personal and professional specialist development, to its ability for properly planning activities, mobility reconstructed in a rapidly changing professional situation, develop innovative technology and build their professional career.

The aim of this paper is a theoretical justification of continuing education as a resource for overcoming the psychological barriers in the process of professional development of the individual. Career stagnation objectively arising in the process of professionalization, the reduction of professional expectations and values mismatch personal and professional characteristics with the requirements of current professional situation are considered by the authors as psychological barriers to the professional development of an individual.

Methods. The authors used theoretical methods of research – analysis of the literature on the study, the synthesis of the conceptual issues of the classification. The paper presents an analysis of the Russian and foreign theories on the origin and development of psychological barriers.

Results. The terms «psychological barrier» and «overcoming the behavior» are specified. The psychological professional-development barriers of the person are highlighted and classified: professional degradation, deterioration of professional and psychological health of individuals. The resources for overcoming the psychological barriers are defined; the integral role is assigned to continuing education and self-education. As both Russian and international experience shows, adult education is becoming one of the leading forms of social activity having a wide array of technologies, methods and approaches; it is one of the principle forms of human social activities that provide an opportunity for constructive designing of successful professional individual trajectory of the human development.

Practical significance. The research implications and results of the study can be used as the teaching and learning packages while the process of training and retraining, the professional development of corporate staff, and training on career planning.

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Index terms professional development of personality, psychological barriers of professional development, professional crises, professional degradation, deterioration of mental health professional, continuing education, adult education

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