Dyukov V. M.

Title of the article Spreading the Experience of Preschool Educational Establishments
Authors Dyukov V. M.  
Year 2012 Issue №7 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper observes the issue of spreading the innovative experience of municipal preschool educational establishments (MPEE). The author outlines the ways of spreading the ideas of «Development Program of MPEE» and « Educational Program of MPEE» worked out according to the federal state requirements.

Theoretical methodological basis of the research combines the fundamental studies of the last century’s Russian teachers and psychologists: L. S. Vygodsky, A. N. Leontyev, L. I. Bozhovitch, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, etc. Based on their studies, a series of teaching methodical manuals was developed in the Institute of Reflexive Psychology of Creativity and Humanizing the Education at the International Academy of Humanizing the Education, Sotchi–Magdeburg: «Russian Education 2020 – the Model of Preschool Education» and «Pedagogic Innovations in MPEE of Innovative Type».

In author’s opinion, the outcome of the research can promote the modernization efficiency in preschool education.

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Index terms: federal state requirements, curricular structure of preschool education, distribution of innovative experience, preschool educational establishments of innovative type.

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