Yakovleva A. N.

Title of the article Lingua-Pedagogy as the Interdisciplinary Re­se­arch Problem 
Authors Yakovleva A. N.  
Year 2012 Issue №7 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to lingua-pedagogy – one of the modern branches of pedagogy dealing with personal socialization in the process of foreign language learning. This interdisciplinary field of knowledge is related to linguistics, pedagogic psychology, development psychology and acmeology. Lingua-pedagogy undergoes the formation process; therefore, there still are a number of open questions concerning its place among the other sciences, and the final definitions of the main concepts and terms. The author recommends the systematic approach to developing the theoretical foundation of lingua-pedagogy. The paper outlines the subject and aims of the lingua-pedagogic research, its content and affecting means. The system in question is poly-functional, its main functions being the integral pedagogic effect in foreign language teaching, stimulating self-dependent learning, and arranging the intercultural integration. The linguistic faculties at universities can be taken as the key elements of the lingua-pedagogic system – the development centers, nurturing the value-oriented respectful attitude to the native and foreign culture, providing intercultural competence acquisition, and training pedagogic staff capable of fulfilling the poly-cultural development tasks.

Identification of the conformities of intercultural socialization makes it possible to organize the system of pedagogic facilitation for students learning foreign languages;    and develop the perspective methods and technologies of language competence acquisition and consolidation. 

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Index terms:

lingua-pedagogy, foreign language education, intercultural socialization.


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