Svezhentseva I. B.

Title of the article Professional and Moral Stability Development of Prospective Specialists in the Context of Educational Mo­der­nization
Authors Svezhentseva I. B.
Year 2012 Issue №7 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper analyzes the specificity of the prospective specialists’ professional and moral stability development in the context of educational system modernization; the essence, components, criteria and levels of the above characteristic being defined along with its development prospects in the course of vocational training.

The essence of professional moral stability is defined as the integrative quality and inherent characteristic of professionalism, guaranteeing personal self-realization of a prospective specialist in professional activity. According to the theoretical concepts of activity and personal development, the structure of professional moral stability is identified including the following components: cognitive, emotionally-moral, motivationally-stimulating, and functionally-practical.

The research outcome and the data interpretation allowed the author to single out the pedagogic conditions increasing the effectiveness of professionally-moral stability development. The functional development model of the quality in question was devised, based on the leading concepts of subjective-functional, person-oriented, acmeological and culturalogical approaches.

The research outcome includes developing the informational didactic materials: the vocational teachers’ course – «Introduction to Vocational Training», and the optional students’ course – «Moral Qualities Development of Vocational Training Students».

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Index terms: moral stability, professional stability, modernization.

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