Anisimov O.S.

Title of the article Mo­dern Edu­ca­ti­on: from Ra­ti­ona­lity to Re­aso­nab­le­ness
Authors Ani­si­mov O. S.
In the section DISCUSSIONS
Year 2014 Issue №3 Pages 107
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper deals with the problem of modern education development and criticizes a pragmatic attitude to education. Based on the retrospective historical analysis, the author maintains that educational systems are generally focused on fostering the pragmatic intellect rather than reasoning, which leads to a superficial world perception, and undermines personal analytical potential and capability of strategic problem solving. Concentration on rationality is unlikely to provide a way out of the world crisis. In the author’s view, education demands both the deep and solid comprehension of existential concepts and the reference to the “absolute spirit” of Confucius, Plato, Kant and Hegel.

The research is aimed at justifying the civilizational paradigm of education on the basis of Hegelian fundamental ideas of intellectual perception with the emphasis on reasonability instead of rationality. As the most adequate implementation instrument, the author suggests a game simulating technique that combines the benefits of philosophical, scientific and methodological thinking.

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Index terms civilizational education paradigm, reasonableness, rationality, pragmatic orientation of education, game simulation.

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