Bodina Y. A.

Title of the article Abo­ut Met­ho­do­lo­gi­cal Tra­ining of Te­ac­her-Mu­si­ci­ans
Authors Bo­di­na Y. A.
Year 2014 Issue №3 Pages 22
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper considers the need for reinterpretation of the content and functions of methodological training of teacher-musicians in the higher school; the above problem being raised as the result of the massive penetration of information technologies, intensification of knowledge updates, rejection of narrow specializations, and propagation of the postmodern culture.

The author focuses on modernization of methodology training of teacher-musicians with the emphasis on general features of the modern musical environment affecting students’ personality. The proper methodology training of the future teacher-musicians, based on the culture-adequate knowledge and accompanied by the actual project activity forms, is capable to counteract the influence of the second-rate common musical tastes and negative world perception.

In conclusion, the author highlights the need for intensification of the ontological and personal worldview orientation of methodology training and further development of professional tools.

The paper is addressed to the higher school teachers and students, music school teachers, and additional education teachers.

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Index terms methodological education, ontology, universality of knowledge, postmodern culture, personality of the postmodern epoch.

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