Tabachenko T.S.

Title of the article De­ve­lo­ping the Met­ho­di­cal Thin­king of Pros­pec­ti­ve Rus­si­an Lan­gua­ge Te­ac­hers
Authors Ta­bac­hen­ko T. S.
In the section CONSULTATIONS
Year 2014 Issue №3 Pages 138
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to fostering the methodical thinking of the philological profile students. The methodology basis incorporates the procedural and cognitive approach along with the strategic direction on the cognitive process management at all educational levels. The author considers the main characteristics of methodical thinking, its content and structure including the set of cognitive components. The methodical thinking is regarded as a capability of effective work with linguistic and methodological information (i.e. analysis, transformation, optimization, and adaptation for learning purposes); easy formulation of language rules; scientific methodological generalization; implementation of the assessment and diagnostic instruments based on research experience.

The author describes the development process of methodical thinking of prospective Russian language teachers, exemplified by series of workshops exploring the complex of methodology problems; the types and algorithms of the given problems being demonstrated.  

All the necessary teachers’ qualities can be developed by means of solving the specific methodological problems and developing the cognitive component of the thinking process.

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Index terms procedural and cognitive approach, cognitive process management, cognitive components of professional thinking, cognition, methodical thinking, complex of methodology problems, research activity.

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