Kashnik O. I., Bryzgalina A. A.

Title of the article So­ci­al Se­cu­rity: The­ore­ti­cal As­pects
Authors Kashnik O. I., Bryzga­li­na A. A.
Year 2013 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper looks at the phenomena of security and social security from the philosophical, sociological and psychological perspective. The undertaken analysis of domestic and foreign scientific materials demonstrates the need for interdisciplinary studies, including pedagogy and education, aimed at developing the guidelines for protecting the social system from destruction. The paper defines the indicators, security level indices and their assessment methods singled out from the analytical reports and security studies by the leading Russian sociological centers and international expert organizations, including the United Nations.

The research is aimed at finding out the adequate models of personal and social security control systems at various social levels.

The theoretical concepts can be applied by the teachers of the Bases of Life Safety course, the managers and researches developing the assessment criteria and security indices of educational environment evaluation, as well as the methods of diagnostics and expertise of educational establishments from the security standpoint.

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Index terms security, social security, social risks, personal security, safety indices.

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