Ogonovskaya A. S.

Title of the article The Edu­ca­ti­onal Eventful En­vi­ron­ment as a Me­ans for Per­so­nal Growth
Authors Ogo­novska­ya A. S.
Year 2013 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to the impact of the educational eventful environment on personality growth. The creation of such environment is considered to be an important means of humanistic pedagogy. The research is aimed at substantiating the need for developing the educational eventful environment as a way to self-actualization.

The research is based on the analysis methods of conceptual terminological systems, pedagogic observation and synthesis of pedagogic experience. The author makes the following conclusions concerning the educational eventful environment: it should be created by the combined efforts of teachers and students and inspire students’ positive emotional attitude; the well-organized educational environment is likely to facilitate the acquisition of cultural values, and foster self-reflection, self-awareness and creativity.

The research materials can be of interest to the heads of educational establishments and practicing teachers.

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Index terms development, personality, self-actualization, creativity, event, emotional experience, environment, educational environment, educational and eventful environment.

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