Lomovtseva N. V., Tchubarkova E. V., Karasik A. A.

Title of the article Fos­te­ring the Te­ac­hers Re­di­ness for Using the In­for­ma­ti­onal Edu­ca­ti­onal En­vi­ron­ment in Hig­her Scho­ol
Authors Lo­movtse­va N. V., Tchu­bar­ko­va E. V., Ka­ra­sik A. A.
Year 2013 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper proves the necessity of teachers’ readiness for introduction of the informational education environment to the higher school teaching process. The dynamic implementation of information communication and distance education technologies gives way to the more advanced level of pedagogic activity by broadening the teachers’ didactic, informational, methodological and technological horizons, and improving, therefore, the impact of education.

The authors indicate the functional specifics of informational education environment that is designed to provide the full range of services and facilities for planning the student’s self-study work, consultations and controls. The components of teachers’ readiness for using information technologies in their daily professional work are defined including the motivational, technological, emotional, volitional, communicative and reflexive ones. The pedagogical tasks concerning the application of informational education environment along with organizational terms are outlined.

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Index terms readiness, distance learning, distance education technologies, university teacher.

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