Vlaskina I. V.

Title of the article
Cor­re­la­ti­on bet­we­en the Pro­fes­si­onal Qua­li­ti­es and Ef­fec­tiv­ness in  So­ci­al In­ter­re­la­ti­ons Sphe­res
Authors Vlas­ki­na I. V.
Year 2013 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to the correlation between the employees’ significant professional characteristics and the effectiveness of their performance in social spheres implying interpersonal relations. The representatives of different social sectors were surveyed including the managers of different levels in education, health care and social services.  The research methods combine the test-questionnaires by V. V. Stolin, S. R. Panteleyev, R. Shvartser, M. Yeru­salem, B. Romek V. M. Morosanova, R. R. Sagiev, as well as the author’s questionnaire for evaluating the professional effectiveness level.

The research findings reveal the statistically significant correlation between professional effectiveness in the given spheres and stress resistance, social courage, tolerance to uncertainty, social-communication skills, positive self-attitude, absence of self-condemnation and failures avoidance. However, in other aspects the correlation between the professional levels and competences differ depending on the professional spheres. In author’s opinion, the research outcomes need some additional consideration and investigation.

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Index terms profession type, significant professional characteristics, effectiveness of professional work, effectiveness factors, criteria and indicators of effectiveness.

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