Lurye L. I.

Title of the article
Can the Quality of Education Be Estimated?
Authors Lurye L. I.
In the section VIEWPOINT
Year 2012 Issue №6 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper considers the problem of educational quality assessment considerably complicated by socio-cultural multidimensionality of educational process obstructing the development of comprehensive quantitative criteria. Formal monitoring can not always evaluate teaching plan, identify the culturalogy bases of education and upbringing, denote the atmosphere and way of life in educational institution, realize the personal growth directions and self-development potentials guaranteeing the growth. Quality management of education should involve continuous feedback from the participants of educational process to facilitate the effectiveness of the results. It is indicated, that too much control over the functions of educational institution most often does not result in quality improvement distorting the values and goals of education and upbringing.

The research findings can be applied in the field of educational theory, its culturalogical directions, and development management of educational systems and processes.

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Index terms: quality of education, culture, dialogue, reflection.

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