Nemova N. V.

Title of the article

School Transition to the State-Social Management System Based on the Project Approach Application

Authors Nemova N. V.
Year 2012 Issue №6 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper looks at the opportunities for the school transition to the state-social management system based on the project approach application. The principle methods and procedures for the project initiation are observed along with the project organization and planning, recourse provision and project monitoring. According to the author, the most effective form of initiating the management modernization project simultaneously involves the two participants: the internal (school management) and external (educational management organizations), provided that the external one sets the main requirements.

Using the project approach allows the fast knowledge accumulation for further application. In this regard, it is more efficient than the program-targeted management requiring more time and effort for fulfilling the program. In author’s opinion, the project method can be extended to solving the problem situations. For example, its application is the most expedient in step-by-step implementation of the state-social management, given that not every school can restructure the existing management system by itself.

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Index terms: school project, structure, content, organization, project planning, project fulfillment management, state-social management of school.

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