Antipina I.O.

Title of the article Socio-Pedagogical Evaluation of Teaching Staff Activities in Comprehensive Schools as an Independent Mechanism of Education Quality Assessment
Authors Antipina I.O.
Year 2014 Issue №7 Pages 24
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 371.11 Index BBK  

The aim of the research is to reveal various ways for developing the independent mechanisms of education quality assessment.

Methods involve the analysis of the existing views concerning the quality assessment of teaching staff activities.

Results: The research findings demonstrate functional specificity of comprehensive schools, the main phases of socio-pedagogic assessment of teaching staff activities, and the main criteria and indices of their monitoring. The author considers professional educational activity as a general assessment criterion. The main feature of socio-pedagogic assessment procedures involves participation of different categories of teaching and research staff, along with students’ parents and the neighboring society members.

 Scientific novelty: The author specifies the concept of socio-pedagogic assessment of teaching staff activities.

Practical significance: Implementation of the research outcomes can stimulate professional activity of pedagogical society in developing the independent system of education quality assessment.

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Index terms socio-pedagogical assessment, teaching staff activities.

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