Benin V.L.

Title of the article Is There a Need for the Post-Non-Classical Methodology in Pedagogy?
Authors Benin V.L.
In the section DISCUSSIONS
Year 2014 Issue №7 Pages 115
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 37. 012 Index BBK  

The publication continues the discussion, started by Yu.V. Larina in «Education in Search of the Congruity Principle» concerning the modern methodology of pedagogical science; and identifies the criteria of the given principle along with the limitations of the post-non-classical approaches to the humanities.

Methods: The methodology involves the analysis of existing view points, formalization of characteristics of post-non-clas­si­cal science, and reflection of pedagogical principle of cultural conformity.

Results: The research outcomes demonstrate that the gradual undermining of the fundamental science results in erosion of methodological background. In case of interdisciplinary subjects, a researcher is forced to integrate different methods and techniques, which provokes further disruption of the methodology.

Scientific novelty: The author classifies and extrapolates to the humanities sphere the main characteristics of post-non-classical science; and makes a conclusion about the gradual decline of researchers’ training quality due to the lack of methodological clarity, and aggressive forms of science vulgarization leading to spontaneous development of clipping methodology.

The practical significance: Implementation of the research findings can activate both theoretical and methodological aspects of teacher’s training and self-edu­ca­ti­on.

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Index terms education, culture, values, post-non-classical science, pedagogy.

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