Ezrokh Yu.S.

Title of the article The Game Technique Stimulating the Successful learning of Junior Students Specializing in Economics
Authors Ezrokh Yu.S.
Year 2014 Issue №7 Pages 87
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 378.14 Index BBK  

The research is aimed at specifying and developing the modern control system of current academic achievements of junior university students; and the main task is to find the adequate ways for stimulating the junior students’ learning activities, and estimating their individual achievements. 

Methods: The author applies his own assessment method for estimating and stimulating students’ learning outcomes, based on the rating-point system of gradually obtained points building up a student’s integrated learning outcomes.

Results: The research findings prove that implementation of the given method can increase the motivational, multiplicative and controlling components of the learning process.

Scientific novelty: The method in question is based on the new original game approach to controlling procedures and stimulation of learning motivation of the economic profile students.

Practical significance: The recommended technique can intensify the incentive-ba­sed training activities both in and outside a classroom, developing thereby students’ professional and personal qualities.

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Index terms student, university, higher education, teaching method, game model.

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