Moiseev A.V., Yefanov A.V.

Title of the article Foundation of the Institutional Forms of Artisan Training in the Ural Region in the 17–18th Centuries
Authors Moiseev A.V., Yefanov A.V.
Year 2014 Issue №7 Pages 103
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 377.35 Index BBK  

The research objective is to demonstrate the specificity of artisan training in the Ural region in the XVII–XVIII cen­tu­ri­es, and explore the relating historical and pedagogical heritage and its implementation in the modern vocational training system.

Methods: The applied theoretical methods include the historical and genetic comparative analysis and synthesis of identified trends and specificities of artisan training; empirical methods involve data selection, analysis, systematization and classification. 

Results: The research findings reveal the specifics and key components of the artisan training system designed for developing the trainees’ abilities and practical skills.

Scientific novelty: The proposed structure of historical pedagogical heritage is specified including the objective, axiological, regulative and technological aspects.

Practical significance: The achieved results concerning the craftsmanship development in the past can be incorporated into the modern vocational training programs.

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Index terms artisan occupations, artisan schools of the Ural region, vocational training, historical pe­da­go­gi­cal heritage.

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