Testov V. A.

Title of the article

About the Consept of Pedagogic Paradigm


Testov V. A.

Year 2012 Issue №9 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK УДК 370 Index BBK  

The paradigm concept, essential for comprehension and analysis of the science history, is used quite freely and easily in educational sphere nowadays when some authors discuss their views, theories and developments referring to a new paradigm. Consequently, in pedagogy, there is an illusion of pseudo-paradigmatic progress, which results from the lack of unified understanding of the given concept, and reorganization complexity.

According to the author, paradigmatic transformation in pedagogy and education mainly depends on the fundamental changes of the scientific world­view. Though, compared to the worldview alterations, paradigmatic changes take more time and effort. So, in order to overcome this lagging behind, a lot of contradicting views appear in the modern pedagogic theory.

The research methodology is based on the works by T. Coon, defining the paradigm as the complex of theoretical and methodological notions, more general than the theory, concept and attitude. In author’s opinion, turning back to the scientific interpretation of the paradigm concept can overcome the existing misunderstanding of educational experience and its prospects, and   ensure the adequate perception of pedagogic reality.

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Index terms: pedagogic paradigm, determination, poly-paradigmatic principle, educational model.

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