Volov V.T, Volov V.V.

Title of the article The Education and Socialization Concept of the Defendants in Russian Correctional Institutions
Authors Volov Vyacheslav T., Volov Vsevolod V.
In the section SOCIAL PEDAGOGY
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 60
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The aim of the re­se­arch is to pre­sent the aut­hors’ re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on and de­ve­lop­ment con­cept of iden­tity of the de­fen­dant. Mo­dern pe­nal system inste­ad of re­so­ci­ali­za­ti­on ini­ti­ates per­son de­so­ci­ali­za­ti­on, i.e. iso­la­ti­on of the pe­op­le who ha­ve of­fen­ded aga­inst the law, do­es not pro­mo­te the­ir re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on and re-edu­ca­ti­on. Due to ex­ter­nal mac­ro-iso­la­ti­on the de­fen­dant at all de­si­re can not be iso­la­ted from cri­mi­no­ge­nic mic­ro-so­ci­ety of the cus­to­di­al insti­tu­ti­on, whe­re he/she ser­ves the sen­ten­ce. Long stay in such po­si­ti­on of­ten le­ads to destruc­ti­on of the per­son’s stan­dard-val­uab­le sphe­re and re­ci­di­vism of aso­ci­al be­ha­vi­our. Pro­vi­ding de­fen­dants with pos­si­bi­lity of dis­tant vo­ca­ti­onal tra­ining in a hig­her edu­ca­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­on as one of the pos­sib­le va­ri­ants of po­si­ti­ve so­ci­ali­za­ti­on in extre­me con­di­ti­ons of the restra­int is gi­ven by the aut­hors of this pa­per.

Met­hods. Lon­gi­tu­di­nal met­hod has be­en used du­ring the long ex­pe­ri­ment on de­fen­dants’ so­ci­ali­za­ti­on pro­vi­ding them with hig­her edu­ca­ti­on. Qu­an­ti­ta­ti­ve me­asu­res ha­ve be­en car­ri­ed out on the ba­sis of mo­ni­to­ring and the sta­tis­tic da­ta of com­pa­ra­ti­ve analysis of its stan­dard-val­uab­le cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the tra­inab­le and non-tra­inab­le de­fen­dants. Ex­pert es­ti­ma­ti­ons of cor­rec­ti­onal of­fi­cers and te­ac­hers or tu­tors of the hig­her scho­ol (the Mo­dern Uni­ver­sity for the Hu­ma­ni­ti­es) and in-depth in­ter­vi­ews with for­mer de­fen­dants en­ded high scho­ol ha­ve be­en used too.

Re­sults and sci­en­ti­fic no­velty. The phe­no­me­non es­sen­ce of pe­nal iso­la­ti­on is fo­und out. The ex­ter­nal and in­ter­nal fac­tors de­fi­ning the pro­cess of de­fen­dants’ so­ci­ali­za­ti­on/de­so­ci­ali­za­ti­on in cor­rec­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­on are men­ti­oned. Re­li­gi­on and pe­nal edu­ca­ti­on are highlighted as the most ef­fec­ti­ve and po­si­ti­ve fac­tors. The prin­cip­les of per­son’s re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on on the ba­sis of get­ting hig­her edu­ca­ti­on by de­fen­dants are for­mu­la­ted: the extre­mity prin­cip­le, the congru­en­ce prin­ci­pal, the ba­lan­ce prin­cip­le bet­we­en the per­so­nal iso­la­ti­on and so­ci­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. The com­pen­sa­tory mec­ha­nism of so­ci­al-psycho­lo­gi­cal de­fen­dant’s ali­ena­ti­on and the in­no­va­ti­ve mec­ha­nism of pro­cess ma­na­ge­ment of the­ir po­si­ti­ve so­ci­ali­za­ti­on are descri­bed. The aut­hors of the re­se­arch pre­sent the re­sults of the­ir own prog­ram re­ali­za­ti­on for the pri­so­ner’s so­ci­ali­za­ti­on that has suc­cessfully pas­sed appro­ba­ti­on in 33 cor­rec­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­ons of the Sa­ma­ra re­gi­on.

Prac­ti­cal sig­ni­fi­can­ce. The aut­hors of the pre­sent study ho­pe that the­ir ex­pe­ri­en­ce on over­co­ming of so­ci­ally-psycho­lo­gi­cal bar­ri­ers of de­fen­dants’ so­ci­ali­za­ti­on, cor­rec­ti­ons of the­ir be­ha­vi­our, pre­ven­ti­ve ma­in­te­nan­ce of cri­mi­nal displays re­ci­di­vism will re­ce­ive mo­re a wi­despre­ad oc­cur­ren­ce and will al­low the per­sons ser­ving the sen­ten­ce to ga­in an op­por­tu­nity of a worthy li­fe in the so­ci­ety.

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Index terms the pri­so­ner’s so­ci­ali­za­ti­on, the extre­mity prin­cip­le, the congru­en­ce prin­cip­le, the ba­lan­ce prin­cip­le bet­we­en the per­so­nal iso­la­ti­on and so­ci­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

1. Alphe­rov V. A. Pe­ni­ten­ci­ar­na­ja so­ci­olo­gi­ja. Oso­ben­na­ja chast’ 1 (pred­met­no-me­to­dic­hes­kij as­pekt) [Pe­ni­ten­ti­al So­ci­ology]. [Spe­ci­al part 1 (ob­jec­ti­ve-met­ho­dic as­pect)]. Do­mo­de­do­vo: RIPC MVD. Rus­sia, Mos­cow, 1995. 182 p. (In Rus­si­an)

2. Andre­ev V. I. Pe­da­go­go­ka [Pe­da­go­gics]. Cen­ter of in­no­va­ti­on techno­lo­gi­es. Ka­zan, 2000. 384 p. (In Rus­si­an)

3. Bel­kin S. G. Ob oso­ben­nostjah po­luc­he­ni­ja vysshe­go ob­ra­zo­va­ni­ja v mes­tah lis­he­ni­ja svo­body. In­for­ma­ci­onnye i kom­mu­ni­ka­ci­onnye teh­no­lo­gii v ob­ra­zo­va­nii: ma­te­ri­aly Mezhdu­na­rod­noj kon­fe­ren­cii «IK­TO – 2004». [Con­cer­ning the sin­gu­la­ri­ti­es of hig­her edu­ca­ti­on in pri­sons. Ma­te­ri­als of the In­ter­na­ti­onal Con­fe­ren­ce «In­for­ma­ti­on and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Techno­lo­gi­es in Edu­ca­ti­on – 2004»]. Chi­ef edi­tor Shad­ri­kov V. D. Sov­re­mennyj Gu­ma­ni­tarnyj Uni­ver­si­tet. [The Mo­dern Uni­ver­sity for the Hu­ma­ni­ti­es], 2004. 192 p. (In Rus­si­an)

4. Vo­lov V. V. Sub­li­mi­ru­jushhij psi­ho­lo­gic­hes­kij jef­fekt vysshe­go ob­ra­zo­va­ni­ja i ego vli­ja­nie na psi­hi­ku zakljuc­hennyh. [Sub­li­ma­ting the psycho­lo­gi­cal ef­fect of Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on and it’s an im­pact on the psyche of pri­so­ners]. Sbor­nik ma­te­ri­al Vse­ros. con­fe­ren­ce «Obuc­he­nie zak­luchnnikh». [Pub­li­ca­ti­on of the Rus­si­an na­ti­onal con­fe­ren­ce «Pri­son Edu­ca­ti­on»]. St. Pe­tersburg, 2001. P. 82–86. (In Rus­si­an)

5. Vo­lov V. T. Vysshee ob­ra­zo­va­nie kak fak­tor up­rav­le­ni­ja so­ci­ali­za­ci­ej osuzhdennyh v ispra­vi­tel’nom uchrezhde­nii [Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on as the fac­tor of ma­na­ge­ment of de­fen­dants’ so­ci­ali­sa­ti­on in cor­rec­ti­onal fa­ci­lity]. Sov­re­mennyj Gu­ma­ni­tarnyj Uni­ver­si­tet. [The Mo­dern Uni­ver­sity for the Hu­ma­ni­ti­es]. Mos­cow, 2009. 393 p. (In Rus­si­an)

6. Vo­lov V. T. Vysshee ob­ra­zo­va­nie osuzhdennyh kak fak­tor so­ci­al’noj be­zo­pas­nos­ti obshhestva. [Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on as a fac­tor of so­ci­al sa­fety of so­ci­ety]. Sa­marskij na­uchnyj centr Ros­sijskoj aka­de­mii na­uk. [Pub­lis­hing hou­se of the Sa­ma­ra Cen­ter of the Rus­si­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ce]. Sa­ma­ra, 2013. 393 p. (In Rus­si­an)

7. Vo­lov V. T. Vysshee pro­fes­si­onal’noe ob­ra­zo­va­nie i vos­pi­ta­nie v jekstre­mal’nyh us­lo­vi­jah na ba­ze in­for­ma­ci­on­no-kom­mu­ni­ka­ci­onnyh teh­no­lo­gij obuc­he­ni­ja. [Hig­her pro­fes­si­onal edu­ca­ti­on in extre­me con­di­ti­ons on the in­fo-com­mu­ni­ca­ti­onal techno­lo­gi­es ba­sis of tra­ining]. Vestnik Tju­mensko­go go­su­darstven­no­go uni­ver­si­te­ta. [The Bul­le­tin of Tyu­men Sta­te Uni­ver­sity]. Tyu­men, 2008. Vol. 2. P. 22–28. (In Rus­si­an)

8. Vo­lov V. T. In­no­va­ci­on­na­ja sis­te­ma vos­pi­ta­ni­ja v jekstre­mal’nyh us­lo­vi­jah [In­no­va­ti­ve system of edu­ca­ti­on in extre­me con­di­ti­ons]. Vestnik Vol­gog­radsko­go uni­ver­si­te­ta. [The Bul­le­tin of Vol­gog­rad Uni­ver­sity]. Vol­gog­rad, 2008. Vol. 4. P. 49–54. (In Rus­si­an)

9. Vo­lov V. T. Issle­do­va­nie mo­ti­va­ci­on­no-cen­nostnyh ha­rak­te­ris­tik sredy osuzhdennyh pri obuc­he­nii v vu­ze v us­lo­vi­jah pe­ni­ten­ci­ar­no­go uchrezhde­ni­ja [In­ves­ti­ga­ti­on of the mo­ti­va­ti­onal and val­uab­le cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the pri­so­ner en­vi­ron­ment un­der edu­ca­ti­on in pe­ni­ten­ti­al con­di­ti­ons]. Vestnik Uni­ver­si­te­ta Ros­sijskoj Aka­de­mii Ob­ra­zo­va­ni­ja. [The Bul­le­tin of Rus­si­an Aca­demy of Edu­ca­ti­on]. Mos­cow, 2009. Vol. 3. P. 141–147. (In Rus­si­an)

10. Vo­lov V. T. So­ci­al’no-pe­da­go­gic­hes­kie prob­lemy obuc­he­ni­ja v us­lo­vi­jah pe­ni­ten­ci­ar­noj sis­temy Ros­sii. [So­ci­al-pe­da­go­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on prob­lems of tra­ining in Rus­si­an pe­nal system con­di­ti­ons]. Sa­ma­ra: Bah­rakh‑M, 2008. 294 p. (In Rus­si­an)

11. Vo­lov V. T., Vo­lo­va N. U., Vo­lov V. V. Te­ore­ti­ko-me­to­do­lo­gic­hes­kie os­novy issle­do­va­ni­ja prob­lemy up­rav­le­ni­ja so­ci­ali­za­ci­ej lichnos­ti osuzhden­no­go [The­ore­ti­cal-met­ho­do­lo­gi­cal ba­sic of the pri­so­ner’s per­son so­ci­ali­za­ti­on control prob­lem]. Insti­tut so­ci­al’noj pe­da­go­gi­ki Ros­sijskoj Aka­de­mii Ob­ra­zo­va­ni­ja [So­ci­al-pe­da­go­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­te of the Rus­si­an Aca­demy of Edu­ca­ti­on]. Mos­cow, 2011. 175 p. (In Rus­si­an)

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13. De­vEd. News and no­tes / UNI­CEF. De­ve­lop­ment edu­ca­ti­on centre. Ge­ne­va, 1982. 40 p. (Transla­ted from English)

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15. Fuchs I. H. The pro­mi­se and chal­len­ge of new techno­lo­gi­es in Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on. Pro­ce­edings of the Ame­ri­can Phi­lo­sophy so­ci­ety Phi­la­delphia. 1998. Vol. 142, № 2. P. 197–206. (Transla­ted from English)

16. Fre­ed J. E., Klug­man M. R. Qua­lity prin­cip­les and prac­ti­ces in Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on: dif­fe­rent qu­es­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent ti­mes. SPA jo­ur­nal. Chi­ca­go. 1997/98. Vol. 29, № 3–4. (Transla­ted from English)

17. Klix F. Pa­ra­me­ters of cog­ni­ti­ve ef­fi­ci­ency: A new appro­ach to me­asu­ring hu­man in­tel­li­gen­ce. Wi­en, Munchen, 1985. 95 p. (Transla­ted from English)


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