Lysuenko S.A.

Title of the article Designing of Independent Professional Development Path as a Means of Successful Vocational Training
Authors Lysuenko Svetlana A.
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 47
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The re­se­arch ob­jec­ti­ve is to study stu­dents’ abi­li­ti­es to pre­dict and bu­ild own (in­di­vid­ual) pro­fes­si­onal fu­tu­re, i.e. set­ting pro­fes­si­onal prob­lems, de­fi­ning the ways of the­ir re­ali­sa­ti­on, adeq­ua­te es­ti­ma­ting the­ir own pos­si­bi­li­ti­es; an in­ter­re­la­ti­on es­tab­lishment bet­we­en the de­sig­na­ted abi­li­ti­es and edu­ca­ti­onal suc­cess at vo­ca­ti­onal tra­ining sta­ge.

Met­hods. The­ore­ti­cal met­hods inclu­de re­vi­ew and analysis of the appro­ac­hes to stud­ying the is­su­es of li­fe perspec­ti­ves of per­so­na­lity in fo­re­ign and Rus­si­an sci­en­ce. Prac­ti­cal re­se­arch met­hods in­vol­ve the em­pi­ri­cal analysis of pro­ducts, re­sults and qua­lity of stu­dents’ ac­ti­vity (the con­tent-analysis of the es­say con­tent ba­sed on the set the­me, mo­ni­to­ring of edu­ca­ti­onal ac­hi­eve­ments and re­ve­aling of abi­li­ti­es to com­bi­ne edu­ca­ti­onal and pro­fes­si­onal ex­pe­ri­en­ce). Re­se­arch has an as­cer­ta­ining cha­rac­ter. Pro­ces­sing of the re­ce­ived da­ta was con­duc­ted by me­ans of the com­pu­ter prog­ram «Pac­ka­ge SPSS‑17»; the pa­ra­met­ri­cal met­hod of com­pa­ri­son and the cri­te­ri­on Stu­dent-t we­re used for in­de­pen­dent samples; the cri­te­ri­on Pe­ar­son’s chi-squa­red test (x2) and con­tin­gency tab­les we­re appli­ed whi­le analyzing the no­mi­na­ti­ve da­ta.

Re­sults and sci­en­ti­fic no­velty. The re­se­arch da­ta ha­ve pro­ved that the pu­pils with the abi­lity and re­adi­ness for de­sig­ning of the in­di­vid­ual pro­fes­si­onal fu­tu­re du­ring vo­ca­ti­onal tra­ining ha­ve the fol­lo­wing skills: they can ac­cu­ra­tely for­mu­la­te the­ir pro­fes­si­onal pur­po­ses; they can de­ter­mi­ne the ways of its ac­hi­eve­ment cor­rectly and ef­fi­ci­ently; the­se stu­dents re­ali­ze the im­por­tan­ce of own ac­ti­vity in the co­ur­se of pro­fes­si­onal evol­ve­ment; and they de­monstra­te hig­her edu­ca­ti­onal and pro­fes­si­onal ac­hi­eve­ments be­co­ming mo­re qua­li­fi­ed ex­perts.

Prac­ti­cal sig­ni­fi­can­ce. Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the re­se­arch out­co­mes spe­ci­fi­es ur­gency for mo­dern yo­ung men and the­ir abi­li­ti­es to plan own pro­fes­si­onal de­ve­lop­ment path. It is ne­ces­sary to work out spe­ci­fic edu­ca­ti­onal prog­ram or cur­ri­cu­la on know­led­ge and skills de­sig­ning for­ma­ti­on of the stu­dents’ pro­fes­si­onal fu­tu­re sin­ce the req­ui­re­ment for such abi­li­ti­es is in­ten­si­fi­ed un­der the con­di­ti­ons of un­cer­ta­inty and ra­pidly chan­ging en­vi­ron­ment. Tra­ining to in­di­vid­ual or in­de­pen­dent plan­ning of ad­van­ce­ment in pro­fes­si­onal oc­cu­pa­ti­on will al­low impro­ving the edu­ca­ti­on qua­lity of hig­her edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons and col­le­ges.

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Index terms per­son’s li­fe perspec­ti­ves, per­son’s pro­fes­si­onal prog­ress, in­di­vid­ual tra­jec­tory of pro­fes­si­onal tra­ining, edu­ca­ti­onal prog­ress in the pe­ri­od of pro­fes­si­onal tra­ining.

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8. Pla­to­nov K. K. Sis­te­ma psi­ho­lo­gii i te­ori­ya ot­raz­he­ni­ya. [Psycho­logy system and the­ory of ref­lec­ti­on]. Мos­cow: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se Sci­en­ce. 1982. 312 p. (In Rus­si­an)

9. Pri­azhni­kov N. S. Pro­fes­si­onal­noe sa­mo­op­re­de­le­nie: te­ori­ya i prak­ti­ka. [Pro­fes­si­onal iden­tity: the­ory and prac­ti­ce]. Mos­cow: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se Aca­demy. 2008. 320 p. (In Rus­si­an)

10. Ru­binshte­in S. L. Os­no­vi obschey psi­ho­lo­gii. [Fun­da­men­tals of ge­ne­ral psycho­logy]. St. Pe­tersburg. 2002. 720 p. (In Rus­si­an)

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12. Fra­ger R., Fa­di­man J. Lichnost. Te­orii, up­razhne­ni­ya, ekspe­ri­men­ti. [Per­so­na­lity. The­ory, exer­ci­ses, ex­pe­ri­ments]. St. Pe­tersburg. 2008. 704 p. (In Rus­si­an)

13. Ban­du­ra A. Self-ef­fi­cacy: To­ward a unif­ying the­ory of be­ha­vi­or chan­ge // Psycho­lo­gi­cal Re­vi­er. 1977. Vol. 84. Р. 191–215. (Transla­ted from English)

14. Su­per D. E., et al. Vo­ca­ti­onal De­ve­lop­ment: A Fra­me­work of Re­se­arch. N. Y. 1957. 391 p. (Transla­ted from English)


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