Freyman V.I.

Title of the article Development of Methodology for Designing Testable Component Structure of Disciplinary Competence
Authors Freyman Vladimir I.
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 31
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The aim of the study is to present new methods of quality results assessment of the education corresponding to requirements of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of the Third Generation developed for the higher school. The urgency of search of adequate tools for quality competency measurement and its elements formed in the course of experts’ preparation are specified.

Methods. It is necessary to consider interference of competency components such as knowledge, abilities, possession in order to make procedures of assessment of students’ achievements within the limits of separate discipline or curriculum section more convenient, effective and exact. While modeling of component structure of the disciplinary competence the testable design of components is used; the approach borrowed from technical diagnostics.

Results. The research outcomes include the definition and analysis of general iterative methodology for testable designing component structure of the disciplinary competence. Application of the proposed methodology is illustrated as the example of an abstract academic discipline with specified data and index of labour requirement. Methodology restrictions are noted; practical recommendations are given.

Scientific novelty. Basic data and a detailed step-by-step implementation phase of the proposed common iterative approach to the development of disciplinary competence testable component structure are considered. Tests and diagnostic tables for different options of designing are proposed.

Practical significance. The research findings can help promoting learning efficiency increase, a choice of adequate control devices, accuracy of assessment, and also efficient use of personnel, temporal and material resources of higher education institutions. Proposed algorithms, methods and approaches to pro­ce­du­re of control results organization and realization of developed competences and its components can be used as methodical base while designing the computer-assisted system for educational process management and quality supervision of graduates’ competences.

The scope and role of independent work of students have considerably increased according to Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) developed for Highest Vocational Education. The described approach to measurement of com­ponents development quality of disciplinary competencies can form base for creating the effective tool set of students’ self-assessment.

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Index terms testability designing, component structure, element of a disciplinary competence, test, diagnostic table, control iterative method.

1. Da­ni­lov A. N., Kon E. L., Yuz­ha­kov A. A., Andri­evska­ya N. V., Be­zuk­lad­ni­kov I. I., Frey­man V. I., Kon E. M. K vop­ro­su o pod­go­tov­ke i ocen­ke kom­pe­ten­cij vypuskni­kov vysshej shkoly s is­pol'zo­va­ni­em mo­du­lej «Vek­tor raz­vi­ti­ja nap­rav­le­ni­ja» i «Kva­li­fi­ka­ci­onnye tre­bo­va­ni­ja ra­bo­to­da­te­lej». [Con­cer­ning the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and eval­ua­ti­on of com­pe­ten­ci­es of grad­ua­tes of hig­her scho­ol with use of mo­du­les “Vec­tor of Di­rec­ti­on” and “Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on Req­ui­re­ments of Em­plo­yers”]. Otkrytoe ob­ra­zo­va­nie [Open Edu­ca­ti­on]. 2012. № 3. Р. 17–29. (In Rus­si­an)

2. Knya­ze­va M. D., Tra­pez­ni­kov S. N. Sov­re­mennye in­for­ma­ci­onnye teh­no­lo­gii i kompleksy or­ga­ni­za­cii ob­ra­zo­va­tel'no­go pro­ces­sa. [Con­tem­po­rary in­for­ma­ti­on techno­lo­gi­es and comple­xes of edu­ca­ti­onal pro­cess or­ga­ni­za­ti­on]. Na­uchnye trudy Vol'no­go eko­no­mic­hes­ko­go obshchestva Ros­sii. [Col­lec­ti­on of sci­en­ti­fic pa­pers of Rus­si­an Free Eco­no­mic So­ci­ety]. 2012. № 164. Р. 49–57. (In Rus­si­an)

3. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. Ana­liz voz­mozhnos­ti pri­me­ne­ni­ja ap­pa­ra­ta i me­to­dov teh­nic­hes­koj di­ag­nos­ti­ki dlja kontrol­ja i ocen­ki re­zul'ta­tov os­vo­eni­ja kom­pe­tentnostno-ori­en­ti­ro­vannyh ob­ra­zo­va­tel'nyh prog­ram. [Con­cer­ning the pos­si­bi­lity of use the tech­ni­cal di­ag­nos­tics met­hods for control and an as­sessment the ba­sic edu­ca­ti­onal pro­grams de­ve­lop­ment re­sults]. Iz­ves­ti­ja Sankt-Pe­ter­burgsko­go go­su­darstven­no­go je­lektro­teh­nic­hes­ko­go uni­ver­si­te­ta «ETU». [The Bul­le­tin of Sa­int-Pe­tersburg Sta­te Electro­techni­cal Uni­ver­sity]. 2014. № 7. Р. 66–71. (In Rus­si­an)

4. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. K vop­ro­su o kontro­le je­le­men­tov dis­cip­li­narnyh kom­pe­ten­cij v ram­kah os­nov­noj ob­ra­zo­va­tel'noj prog­rammy (na pri­me­re teh­nic­hes­kih nap­rav­le­nij pod­go­tov­ki). [To the qu­es­ti­on on the dis­ci­pli­ne com­pe­ten­ce ele­ments control at the ba­sic edu­ca­ti­onal prog­ram (on the techni­cal prog­rams sample)]. Otkrytoe ob­ra­zo­va­nie [Open Edu­ca­ti­on]. 2013. № 3. Р. 12–19. (In Rus­si­an)

5. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A., Kon E. M. K vop­ro­su o for­mi­ro­va­nii kom­pe­ten­cij pri raz­ra­bot­ke os­nov­noj ob­ra­zo­va­tel'noj prog­rammy. [De­ve­lo­ping com­pe­ten­ces at the ba­sic edu­ca­ti­onal prog­ram imple­men­ta­ti­on]. Otkrytoe ob­ra­zo­va­nie [Open Edu­ca­ti­on]. 2013. № 2. Р. 4–10 (In Rus­si­an).

6. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. Ocen­ka kac­hestva for­mi­ro­va­ni­ja kom­pe­ten­cij stu­den­tov teh­nic­hes­kih vu­zov pri dvu­hu­rov­ne­voj sis­te­me obuc­he­ni­ja. [The qua­lity control of techni­cal uni­ver­si­ti­es stu­dents’ com­pe­ten­ces for­med with two-le­vel edu­ca­ti­on system]. Na­uchnye issle­do­va'niia i ikh prak­tic­hes­koe pri­me­ne­nie. Sov­re­men­noe sos­toianie i pu­ti raz­vi­tiia ‘2012’: sbor­nik na­uchnyh tru­dov Mezhdu­na­rod­noj na­uchno-prak­tic­hes­koj kon­fe­ren­cii, 2–12 ok­ti­ab­ria 2012 g. [Ma­te­ri­als of In­ter­na­ti­onal sci­en­ti­fic-prac­ti­cal con­fe­ren­ce “Sci­en­ti­fic re­se­arches and the­ir prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­on. A cur­rent sta­te and de­ve­lop­ment ways, 2-12 De­cem­ber 2012]. Odes­sa: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se KUP­RI­EN­KO. 2012. Vol. №9. Р. 39–41. (In Rus­si­an)

7. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A., Kon E. M. Pod­hod k for­mi­ro­va­ni­ju kom­po­nentnoj struk­tury kom­pe­ten­cij. [The appro­ach to for­ma­ti­on of the com­pe­ten­ce com­po­nent struc­tu­re]. Vysshee ob­ra­zo­va­nie v Ros­sii [Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on in Rus­sia]. 2013. № 7. Р. 37–41. (In Rus­si­an)

8. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. Prak­tic­hes­kij pod­hod k for­mi­ro­va­ni­ju kom­pe­tentnostnoj mo­de­li vypuskni­ka teh­nic­hes­ko­go uni­ver­si­te­ta [Prac­ti­cal appro­ach to for­ma­ti­on the com­pe­ten­ce-ba­sed mo­del for a techni­cal uni­ver­sity grad­ua­te]. Uni­ver­si­tetskoe up­rav­le­nie: prak­ti­ka i ana­liz [Uni­ver­sity ma­na­ge­ment: prac­ti­ce and the analysis]. 2013. № 2 (84). Р. 52–58. (In Rus­si­an)

9. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. Pri­me­ne­nie in­teg­ro-dif­fe­ren­cia­l’­no­go kri­te­ri­ja ocen­ki os­vo­eni­ja kom­po­nen­tov kom­pe­ten­cij. [Imple­men­ting the in­teg­ral dif­fer­en­ti­al es­ti­ma­ti­on cri­te­ri­on of com­pe­ten­ce ac­qui­si­ti­on.] Ob­ra­zo­va­nie i nau­ka. Izv. UrO RAO [Edu­ca­ti­on and sci­en­ce. News of Ural Branch of Rus­si­an Aca­demy of Edu­ca­ti­on].  2013. № 6. Р. 47–63. (In Rus­si­an)

10. Kon E. L., Frey­man V. I., Yuz­ha­kov A. A. Re­ali­za­ci­ja al­go­rit­mov des­hif­ra­cii re­zul'ta­tov be­zus­lov­no­go i us­lov­no­go po­is­ka pri pro­ver­ke urovnja os­vo­eni­ja je­le­men­tov dis­cip­li­narnyh kom­pe­ten­cij. [The re­ali­za­ti­on of con­di­ti­onal and un­con­di­ti­onal se­arching re­sults de­co­ding al­go­rithms du­ring the le­vel mar­king control of dis­cip­li­ne com­pe­ten­ce ele­ments]. Ob­ra­zo­va­nie i nau­ka. Izv. UrO RAO [Edu­ca­ti­on and sci­en­ce. News of Ural Branch of Rus­si­an Aca­demy of Edu­ca­ti­on]. 2013. № 10. Р. 17–36. (In Rus­si­an)     

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12. Mik­halchuk A. A., Are­fev V. P., Fi­li­pen­ko N. M. Srav­ni­tel'nyj sta­tis­tic­hes­kij ana­liz pa­ra­met­ric­hes­kih i ne-pa­ra­met­ric­hes­kih me­to­dov oce­ni­va­ni­ja zna­nij v sis­te­me za­ochno­go obuc­he­ni­ja. [Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Sta­tis­ti­cal Analysis of Pa­ra­met­ri­cal and Non­pa­ra­met­ric Met­hods of the Es­ti­ma­ti­on of Know­led­ge in Cor­res­pon­den­ce Co­ur­se System]. Sov­re­mennye prob­lemy nau­ki i ob­ra­zo­va­niia [Con­tem­po­rary Is­su­es of Sci­en­ce and Edu­ca­ti­on]. 2013. № 3. Р. 431. (In Rus­si­an)

13. Po­pov G. V., Lygi­na L. V., Va­tu­ti­na M. N. Pri­me­ne­nie na­ko­pi­tel'no­go me­to­da raz­ra­bot­ki pe­da­go­gic­hes­kih iz­me­ri­tel'nyh ma­te­ri­alov dlja ocen­ki kom­pe­ten­cij v up­rav­le­nii kac­hestvom v vu­ze. [Appli­ca­ti­on of a me­mory met­hod of wor­king out of pe­da­go­gi­cal me­asu­ring ma­te­ri­als for an es­ti­ma­ti­on com­pe­ten­ci­es in qua­lity ma­na­ge­ment in high scho­ol]. Vestnik Vo­ro­nezhsko­go go­su­darstven­no­go uni­ver­si­te­ta inzhe­nernykh tekhno­lo­gij. [The Bul­le­tin of Vo­ro­nezh Sta­te Uni­ver­sity of En­gi­ne­ering Techno­lo­gi­es]. 2012. Vol. 5. № 4. Р. 47–50. (In Rus­si­an)

14. Frey­man V. I. K vop­ro­su o for­mi­ro­va­nii kom­pe­tentnostnoj mo­de­li vypuskni­ka. [To the qu­es­ti­on of for­ma­ti­on a grad­ua­te com­pe­tency mo­del]. Na­uchnye issle­do­va­niia i in­no­vat­sii, 2012, № 1–4, pp. 43-55 (In Rus­si­an).

15. Frey­man V. I. Pri­me­ne­nie me­to­dov i pro­ce­dur teh­nic­hes­koj di­ag­nos­ti­ki dlja kontrol­ja i ocen­ki re­zul'ta­tov obuc­he­ni­ja, za­dannyh v kom­pe­tentnostnom for­ma­te. [Appli­ca­ti­on of the techni­cal gi­ag­nos­tics met­hods and pro­ce­du­res to mo­ni­tor and as­sess stud­ying re­sults, spe­ci­fi­ed in the com­pe­tency for­mat]. Iz­ves­ti­ja Sankt-Pe­ter­burgsko­go go­su­darstven­no­go je­lektro­teh­nic­hes­ko­go uni­ver­si­te­ta «ETU». [The Bul­le­tin of Sa­int-Pe­tersburg Sta­te Electro­techni­cal Uni­ver­sity]. 2014. № 6. Р. 79–85. (In Rus­si­an)

16. Frey­man V. I. Raz­ra­bot­ka uc­heb­no-me­to­dic­hes­ko­go komplek­sa dis­cip­liny v so­ot­vetstvii s FGOS no­vo­go po­ko­le­ni­ja. [De­ve­lop­ment tra­ining and met­ho­do­logy dis­cip­li­nary complex ac­cor­ding to Na­ti­onal Edu­ca­ti­on Stan­dards of New Ge­ne­ra­ti­on]. Vestnik Permsko­go nat­si­onal'no­go issle­do­va­tel'sko­go po­li­tekhnic­hes­ko­go uni­ver­si­te­ta. Elektro­tekhni­ka, in­for­mat­si­onnye tekhno­lo­gii, sis­temy up­rav­le­niia. [The Bul­le­tin of Perm Na­ti­onal Re­se­arch Polytechnic Uni­ver­sity «Electric en­gi­ne­ering, in­for­ma­ti­on techno­logy, control systems»]. 2009. № 3. Р. 47–50. (In Rus­si­an)

17. Frey­man V. I. Re­ali­za­ci­ja od­no­go al­go­rit­ma us­lov­no­go po­is­ka je­le­men­tov kom­pe­ten­cij s ne­dos­ta­tochnym urov­nem os­vo­eni­ja. [An al­go­rithm of con­di­ti­onal se­arch of com­pe­ten­ce ele­ments with in­suf­fi­ci­ent le­vel of de­ve­lop­ment. In­for­mat­si­on­no-up­rav­liaiushchie sis­temy [In­for­ma­ti­on-ope­ra­ting systems]. 2014. Vol. 69, № 2 Р. 93–102. (In Rus­si­an)

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