Moshkova O.М.

Title of the article Retardation of Visual Per-ception as a Criterion for Early Detection of Dyslexia
Authors Moshkova Olga М.
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 105
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The re­se­arch aim is to re­ve­al di­ag­nos­tics pos­si­bi­li­ti­es of in­comple­te­ness of sub­seq­uent vis­ual scan­ning and ho­lis­tic stra­tegy of an iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the vis­ual cu­es af­fec­ted on suc­cessful children re­ading skills for­ma­ti­on.

Met­hods. Whi­le wor­king out the di­ag­nos­tic met­ho­do­logy of de­te­ri­ora­ti­on of re­ading skills (dysle­xia), the aut­hor re­li­es on the on­to­ge­ne­tic prin­cip­les (from simple to compli­ca­ted), in­teg­rity, system appro­ach and fun­da­men­tal prin­cip­les on com­mon prin­cip­les of spe­ech de­ve­lop­ment (B. G. Anan’ev, L. I. Bel­ja­ko­va, N. I. Zhin­kin, A. A. Le­ont’ev, T. N. Us­ha­ko­va). Be­si­des the prin­cip­les of spe­ci­fic pe­da­go­gics, the aut­hor uses ge­ne­ral pe­da­go­gi­cal prin­cip­les as pre­sen­ta­ti­on, ac­ces­si­bi­lity, consci­ous­ness, concre­te­nes­ses, an in­di­vid­ual appro­ach, sta­ge-by-sta­ge skills for­ma­ti­on, etc. The met­hods of di­rect appli­ca­ti­on on de­fec­ti­ve ac­ti­vity and di­dac­tic in­for­ma­ti­on (se­lec­ti­on and ar­ran­ge­ment are con­si­de­red).

Re­sults. The aut­hor spe­ci­fi­es the cha­rac­te­ris­tics of vis­ual per­cep­ti­on af­fec­ted on suc­cessful re­ading skills ac­qui­re­ment of scho­olchildren du­ring the pe­ri­od of pri­mary edu­ca­ti­on due to the de­tec­ti­on of sup­po­si­ti­ons to de­te­ri­ora­ti­on of the­ir re­ading skills (dysle­xia) and gra­ded-cor­rec­ti­onal ef­fect on them. The types of vis­ual scan­ning or se­arch such as con­sis­tent fi­eld of ga­ze fi­xa­ti­on from left to right and the cha­otic se­arch pre­sen­ted with «spas­mo­dic» re­tur­nab­le eye mo­ve­ments. Ad­di­ti­onally, the stra­te­gi­es of a vis­ual iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on are de­fi­ned: ho­lis­tic (a comple­te iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of hi­erarchi­cally or­ga­ni­sed vis­ual cu­es) and analyti­cal (ele­ment-by-ele­ment re­cog­ni­ti­on). It is pro­ved that in the co­ur­se of tra­ining to re­ading children grad­ually go over from cha­otic to the con­se­cu­ti­ve se­arch ne­ces­sary for right-hand vis­ual scan­ning of the text; and from analyti­cal stra­tegy to ho­lis­tic. Re­tar­da­ti­on of vis­ual per­cep­ti­on de­ve­lop­ment (shown in ab­sen­ce of the gi­ven tran­si­ti­on) cau­ses oc­cur­ren­ce of dysle­xia.

Sci­en­ti­fic no­velty. The aut­hor pre­sents own de­ve­lo­ped and tes­ted di­ag­nos­tic met­ho­do­logy that al­lows fin­ding out an un­derlying risk for dysle­xia emer­gen­ce; it is re­la­ted to cha­otic vis­ual se­arch and analyti­cal stra­tegy of an iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of prin­ted cha­rac­ters. The tra­di­ti­onal met­hod of co­ping with the re­ading skills de­fect is up­da­ted with new met­hods and techniq­ues of cor­rec­ti­onal ac­ti­ons which are di­rec­ted at vis­ual per­cep­ti­on impro­ve­ment.

Prac­ti­cal sig­ni­fi­can­ce. Pro­po­sed di­ag­nos­tic met­hods can be used by spe­ech the­ra­pists or spe­ech-lan­gua­ge pat­ho­lo­gists of ge­ne­ral edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons for early de­tec­ti­on and war­ning of the re­ading skills de­fect.

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Index terms dysle­xia, de­te­ri­ora­ti­on of re­ading alo­ud skills, re­tar­da­ti­on of vis­ual per­cep­ti­on.

1. Ak­hu­ti­na T. V., Insha­ko­va O. B. Nej­rop­si­ho­lo­gic­hes­ka­ja di­ag­nos­ti­ka, obsle­do­va­nie pis’ma i chte­ni­ja mladshih shkol’ni­kov. [Neu­ropsycho­lo­gi­cal di­ag­nos­tics, inspec­ti­on of wri­ting and re­ading to yo­un­ger children]. Mos­cow: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se Cen­tury, 2008. (In Rus­si­an)

2. Insha­ko­va O. B. Na­rus­he­ni­ja pis’ma i chte­ni­ja uc­hashhihsja pravshej i nep­ravshej. [De­te­ri­ora­ti­on of re­ading and wri­ting skills of right-han­ded and not right-han­ded]: Cand. Dis. Mos­cow. 1995. (In Rus­si­an)

3. Insha­ko­va O. B. Raz­vi­tie gra­fo-mo­tornyh navykov u de­tej 5–7 let. [De­ve­lop­ment of graph-mo­tor skills of children of 5–7 ye­ars]. Mos­cow: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se VLA­DOS. 2005. (In Rus­si­an)

4. Ego­rov T. G. Psi­ho­lo­gi­ja ov­la­de­ni­ja navykom chte­ni­ja. [The Psycho­logy of mas­te­ring the re­ading skills]. St. Pe­tersburg: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se CA­RO. 2006. (In Rus­si­an)

5. Le­vas­hov O. C., Moshkov O. M. Oso­ben­nost’ zri­tel’no­go vospri­ja­ti­ja teksta u de­tej s raz­lichnym urov­nem navyka chte­ni­ja [Fe­atu­re of vis­ual compre­hen­si­on in children with dif­fe­rent le­vels of re­ading skills]. St. Pe­tersburg. 2007. (In Rus­si­an)

6. Moshko­va O. M. Vza­imosvjaz’ mezhdu sko­rost’ju chte­ni­ja vsluh i sko­rost’ju zri­tel’no­go po­is­ka ver­bal’nyh sti­mu­lov u mladshih shkol’ni­kov [The re­la­ti­onship bet­we­en the spe­ed of re­ading alo­ud and spe­ed vis­ual se­arch ver­bal sti­mu­li of yo­un­ger scho­olchildren]. Vestnik KSU Ser. «Pe­da­go­gi­ka. Psi­ho­lo­gi­ja. So­ci­al’na­ja ra­bo­ta. Ju­ve­no­lo­gi­ja. So­ci­oki­ne­ti­ka». [The Bul­le­tin of KSU «Pe­da­go­gics. Phi­lo­sophy. So­ci­al Work. Ju­ve­no­logy. So­ci­oKi­ne­tiks»]. 2011. Vol. 17. № 1. (In Rus­si­an)

7. Moshko­va O. M. Di­ag­nos­tic­hes­ka­ja me­to­di­ka ran­ne­go vyjav­le­ni­ja na­rus­he­ni­ja chte­ni­ja u de­tej [Di­ag­nos­tic met­ho­do­logy of early de­tec­ti­on of dysle­xia]. Sov­re­men­noe ob­ra­zo­va­nie: Opyt i ten­den­cii raz­vi­ti­ja. Ma­te­ri­aly V Mezhdu­na­rod­noj na­uchno-prak­tic­hes­koj kon­fe­ren­cii, MPGU [Mo­dern Edu­ca­ti­on. Ma­te­ri­als of V In­ter­na­ti­onal Sci­en­ti­fic-Prac­ti­cal Con­fe­ren­ce «Ex­pe­reien­ce and De­ve­lop­ment Ten­den­ci­es»]. Mos­cow: Pub­lis­hing Hou­se Pro­met­he­us. 2013. Vol. 1. (In Rus­si­an)

8. Ru­setska­ja M. N. Vza­imosvjaz’ na­rus­he­nij ustnoj rec­hi, zri­tel’nyh funkcij i dis­lek­sii u uc­hashhihsja mladshih klas­sov obshhe­ob­ra­zo­va­tel’noj shkoly [In­ter­re­la­ti­on of de­te­ri­ora­ti­on of oral spe­ech, vis­ual functi­ons and dysle­xia of pu­pils of ele­men­tary gra­des of a compre­hen­si­ve scho­ol]. Prak­tic­hes­ka­ja psi­ho­lo­gi­ja i lo­go­pe­di­ja [Prac­ti­cal Psycho­logy and Lo­go­pe­dics]. 2003. № 1–2. (In Rus­si­an)

9. Ru­setska­ja M. N. Vza­imosvjaz’ dis­lek­sii s na­rus­he­ni­ja­mi ustnoj rec­hi i zri­tel’nyh funkcij u mladshih shkol’ni­kov [The re­la­ti­onship of vi­ola­ti­ons of oral spe­ech, vis­ual functi­ons and dysle­xia in stu­dents of Ju­ni­or se­con­dary scho­ol]. Prak­tic­hes­ka­ja psi­ho­lo­gi­ja i lo­go­pe­di­ja [Prac­ti­cal Psycho­logy and Lo­go­pe­dics]. Cand. Dis. Mos­cow. 2003. № 1–2. (In Rus­si­an)

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13. No­van D. Fo­rest Be­fo­re Tre­es: The Pre­ce­den­ce of Glo­bal Fe­atu­res in Vis­ual Per­cep­ti­on. Cog­ni­ti­ve psycho­logy, 1977. № 9. Р. 353–383. (Transla­ted from English)

14. Pav­li­dis G. Th. De­tec­ting Dysle­xia thro­ugh Ophthal­mo-ki­ne­sis: A Pro­mi­se for Early Di­ag­no­sis. Perspec­ti­ves on Dysle­xia: New York: John Wi­le & Sons Ltd. 1990. Vol. 2. P. 199–220. (Transla­ted from English)

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