Krasavina Yu.V., Al Akkad M.

Title of the article Aiman Developing Professional Information and Communication Skills through E-Projects
Authors Krasavina Yulia V., Al Akkad M. Aiman
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 93
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The ob­jec­ti­ve of the study is to show ad­van­ta­ges of the met­hod of e‑pro­jects. Ac­cor­ding to the aut­hors of the pub­li­ca­ti­on, e‑pro­ject ba­sed appro­ach is a pro­mi­sing form of blen­ded le­ar­ning in uni­ver­si­ti­es.

Met­hods. The aut­hors pe­sent the techno­logy of pro­fes­si­onal com­pe­ten­ci­es for­ma­ti­on of fu­tu­re te­ac­hers du­ring the te­ac­hing pro­cess of the dis­cip­li­ne «English lan­gua­ge» on the ba­sis of the analysis and ge­ne­ra­li­sa­ti­on of exis­ting so­ur­ces on blen­ded le­ar­ning and the free Web appli­ca­ti­on Mo­od­le that al­lows or­ga­ni­sing e‑tra­ining. The Ex­pert Gro­up Appra­isal met­hod was used to de­fi­ne le­vels and com­po­nents of the com­pe­ten­ci­es.

Sci­en­ti­fic no­velty. Intro­du­cing e‑pro­ject as a part of stu­dents’ self-study in English for Spe­ci­al Pur­po­ses (ESP) cur­ri­cu­lum is es­pe­ci­ally be­ne­fi­ci­al if the fol­lo­wing ob­jec­ti­ves are sta­ted: strengthe­ning cross-cur­ri­cu­lum know­led­ge that impli­es de­epe­ning and ac­qui­ring new know­led­ge both in English and in dis­cip­li­nes that are im­por­tant for fu­tu­re pro­fes­si­on; and de­ve­lo­ping pro­fes­si­onal in­for­ma­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (ICT) com­pe­tency.

Re­sults. This pa­per pre­sents the ex­pe­ri­en­ce of exe­cu­ting one of the
e-pro­jects in the edu­ca­ti­onal pro­cess prac­ti­ce, al­lo­wing stu­dents not only to ac­qui­re pro­fes­si­onal English com­pe­tency but al­so to le­arn how to cre­ate e‑co­ur­ses in Mo­od­le by the­ir own and strengthen the­ir know­led­ge in mo­dern in­for­ma­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on spa­ce. The ar­tic­le descri­bes the imple­men­ta­ti­on of e‑pro­ject ba­sed appro­ach for te­ac­hing English for fu­tu­re te­ac­hers (bac­he­lor stu­dents) in Ka­lashni­kov Iz­hevsk Techni­cal Uni­ver­sity. This pa­per pre­sents the ex­pe­ri­en­ce of exe­cu­ting one of the e‑pro­jects that was ma­de by one of the stu­dents.

Prac­ti­cal sig­ni­fi­can­ce. The re­se­arch out­co­mes and re­com­men­da­ti­ons can be used for ef­fec­ti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on of e‑pro­ject ba­sed appro­ach for te­ac­hing English in hig­her vo­ca­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­ons.

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Index terms pro­ject-ba­sed le­ar­ning, e‑pro­ject, ICT-com­pe­tency.

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