Luriye L.I.

Title of the article Upbringing as a Means of the Life Creation in its Best Points
Authors Luriye Leonid I.
Year 2014 Issue №10 Pages 131
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The re­se­arch is aimed at empha­si­zing the up­da­ting ne­ces­sity of pas­to­ral work in Rus­si­an scho­ols and uni­ver­si­ti­es due to chan­ged eco­no­mic, so­ci­al and ide­olo­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons of de­ve­lop­ment of a so­ci­ety.

Met­hods. The re­se­arch in­vol­ves the met­hod of so­ci­ally-pe­da­go­gi­cal analysis of cur­rent is­su­es in the Rus­si­an upbrin­ging and edu­ca­ti­onal system.

Re­sults. The aut­hor gi­ves own rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on of upbrin­ging pro­cess, as con­tex­tu­al, complex, system-di­rec­ted and so­ci­ocul­tu­ral ef­fect on a hu­man be­ing that is con­for­med to the per­son, so­ci­ety and sta­te de­ve­lop­ment. It has be­en af­fir­med that upbrin­ging pro­cess is to outgrow in self-edu­ca­ti­on and stra­tegy de­ve­lop­ment of the re­ali­sed self-restric­ti­ons cau­sed by con­ven­ti­onal val­ues and mo­ra­lity norms. The aut­hor con­si­ders the re­asons of the cur­rent cri­sis of edu­ca­ti­onal ac­ti­vity; the so­lu­ti­on ways are pro­po­sed.

Sci­en­ti­fic no­velty. The re­se­arch fin­dings gi­ve a de­ta­iled analysis of mo­dern edu­ca­ti­onal system sta­tus that is cau­sed by the “pres­su­re” of mo­dern pe­da­go­gics; the aut­hor finds out and enu­me­ra­ted the re­asons of we­ak so­ci­ocul­tu­ral of pe­da­go­gic so­ci­ety le­adership and ini­ti­ati­vity. The aut­hor pro­po­ses the new con­cep­ti­on of upbrin­ging ac­ti­vity ba­sed on li­be­rally-de­moc­ra­tic vi­si­on of so­ci­ety struc­tu­re that pro­vi­des an op­por­tu­nity to de­fi­ne the pro­cess of world per­cep­ti­on for­ma­ti­on and ac­ti­ve stan­ce to­wards li­fe of a "cul­ti­va­ted" per­son.

Prac­ti­cal sig­ni­fi­can­ce. Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the re­se­arch re­com­men­da­ti­ons can be use­ful for ef­fi­ci­ent upbrin­ging ac­ti­vity ma­na­ge­ment that is to uni­te all the mem­bers of edu­ca­ti­onal pro­cess.

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Index terms upbrin­ging, cul­tu­re, con­text, self-restra­int, in­no­va­ti­on ac­ti­vity.

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