Troynicova Y. V.

Title of the article The Technology of Socio-Professional Students Training for International Cooperation
Authors Troynicova Y. V.
Year 2012 Issue №2 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The contemporary development of the national system of higher education is accompanied by its large scale integration into the international scientific and educational environment. The young people’ effective integration into the global conglomerate of educational systems depends on successful mastering the international cooperation skills. Designing and implementing the integrative portfolio of educational technologies aimed at developing the corresponding competences are regarded as the key factors in solving the above mentioned problem.

The paper presents the educational technology preparing students for international cooperation. Its aim and principles, subject-oriented and technology aspects are defined along with the diagnostic control activities. The methodology bases compiles the person-oriented, culture-oriented, communicative-functional approaches, which result in working out the personalized, subjectively functional, culture-creative methods and forms of training in the context of foreign language vocational education. The given technology was approbated at Udmurtskiy State University which resulted in upgrading the students’ foreign language competence and the growing numbers of participants in the international academic exchange programs.

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Index terms: international cooperation, educational technology, multicultural educational environment, competence approach, person-oriented approach, communicative-functional approach, culture-oriented approach.

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