Sidenko A. S.

Title of the article The Model of School Preparation for Implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of the Second Generation
Authors Sidenko A. S.
Year 2012 Issue №1 Pages 3-17
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract Nowadays, the new educational standards of the second generation are being developed and implemented at all levels of school education. The above standards define the social profile of the first year pupil, as well as the ones of the primary, secondary and high school leavers. The authors describe the components of managerial pedagogic model of the future teachers training, which complies with the task of implementing the new educational standards; the levels of such training being defined as beginners, basic and advanced. The model in question is based on the combination of intra-school professional upgrading of managerial and pedagogic staff, their self-development and the self-training course implying the activity component. For any form of staff professional development in educational sphere, both internal and external resources should be applied, their list being provided.
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