Baryshnikova O. M.

Title of the article The Development of Celestin Freinet’s Pedagogic Ideas in the West
Authors Baryshnikova O. M.
Year 2012 Issue №1 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper looks at the pedagogic ideas of Celestin Freinet spreading in the western countries’ educational environment. The above ideas accepted both in theoretical and practical educational spheres are highlighted along with the specifics of C. Freinet’s pedagogy maintaining its international reputation and acknowledgement. The main emphasis is placed on the retrospective analysis of works and studies by Freinet’s followers, who supported and developed his pedagogic theories and practices.

The research findings reflect the substantial influence of C. Freinet’s ideas on the educational process development, and provide the ground for analyzing both the essence and characteristic features of his pedagogy in the context of humanistic and democratic pedagogic traditions.

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Index terms: free self-expression, open education, media education, functional reading, functional education.

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