Kalabina Y. S., Aleksandrova Y. A.

Title of the article The Effectiveness of the Additional Vocational Education and Staff Development for Industrial Enterprises
Authors Kalabina Y. S., Aleksandrova Y. A.
Year 2012 Issue №1 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract In the course of the Russian economy modernization, developing the effective system of vocational training and further professional training appears to be the main condition for the dynamic competitive advantage of industrial enterprises. The paper inves­ti­gates the urgent issue of developing the system of additional vocational training and staff development with the reference to the ever-changing institutional logic controlling the employee – employer relations. The paper presents the review of theoretic approaches to the system of additional vocational training, as well as the economic analysis and estimates of return on investment in different forms of vocational training. The methodological approach to the system efficiency estimation is given along with the factors determining the formation and development of vocational training system. Based on the research findings, the recommendations integrating the staff development policy are given aimed at promoting the effectiveness of the employee – employer relations.
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Index terms: system of the employee – employer relations, policy of staff development and additional vocational training, institutional logic, regression analysis, effectiveness of return on investment in additional vocational training

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