Akimova O. B., Frants A. S.

Title of the article Teacher’s Generosity as the Pedagogic Counteraction to the Young People’s Hardening
Authors Akimova O. B., Frants A. S.
Year 2012 Issue №1 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper analyzes the growing tendency for young people’s hardening. According to the authors that phenomenon is caused by such current trends as the language degradation, the militaristic and alienation vocabulary predominance resulting in disdainful attitude towards the surrounding people. As a pedagogic counteraction to such trends, the authors consider the revival of the forgotten domestic moral values in educational sphere. Their objective is to contemplate the necessity of enriching the educational institutions by means of the national moral and cultural potential.

The research methodology basis is defined as the axiology principle substantiating the humanistic importance of the specifics of teachers’ vocabulary. To demonstrate the advantages of the humanistic vocabulary educational potential the authors compare the specifics of such notions as generosity and tolerance. They prove that the teacher’s tolerant attitude to students deforms both the pedagogic theory and educational practice. In contrast, the generous attitude favors the student’s, as well as  teacher’s moral development.

The process of the youth refinement can be facilitated by the large-scale revival of half-forgotten national humanistic values and the vocabulary reflecting such values.

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Index terms: educational activities, lack of spirituality, aggression, nurturing, national culture, moral values, tolerance, generosity.

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