Selivanova O. A.

Title of the article The Ways of Preventing Students’ Extremism and Intolerance in the Regional Educational Institutions
Authors Selivanova O. A.
In the section SOCIAL PEDAGOGY
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  


Abstract. The paper reveals the inef­fi­ci­ency prob­lem of pre­ven­ti­ve me­asu­res controlling students’ in­to­le­rant and extremist be­ha­vi­or in higher educational institutions. According to the author, such trends in students’ society, as well as the rising phenomenon of nationalistic religious identity inevitably leading to interpersonal tensions, are caused in the last decades by the degrading prestige of higher education, growing pragmatism and formality of its achievement and key value depreciation in higher educational institutions. To improve the existing situation, it is necessary to revive the main functions of higher educational establishments –the intellectual and professional elite formation, cherishing the humanity values, social responsibility and active civil position; on the other hand, it is vitally important to create the system of prevention and correction of such trends as intolerance and extremism. However, the above goals are aggravated by the number of other problems listed in the paper.

The method of developing the system of complex pre­ven­tion of the mentioned ne­ga­ti­ve phe­no­me­na is proposed with the reference to hig­her edu­ca­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­ons; the specific sta­ges of the given met­hod, the techno­lo­gi­es and or­ga­ni­za­ti­onal forms being outlined; the practical application and outcome in Tyu­men Sta­te Uni­ver­sity being discussed. The research findings can be interesting for people responsible for pre­ven­ti­ve measures in higher educational instinutionms.

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Index terms: aggres­si­on, to­le­ran­ce, preventive measures, xe­nop­ho­bia, extre­mism.

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