Ignatov S. B.

Title of the article Using the Case Study Technology in Developing the Students’ Environmental Competence
Authors Ignatov S. B.
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The ca­se study technology is considered to be an effecti­ve to­ol for developing the stu­dents’ en­vi­ron­men­tal com­pe­ten­ce. Numerous modern interactive techniques, facilitating the competence approach, can be fitted into its framework. The essence of the case-study is defined as the teaching method of problem-solving. The technology in question makes it possible to use the so called triad of «tra­ining – edu­ca­ti­on – de­ve­lop­ment», and provides such teaching opportunities as streaming the students according to their interests, skills, abilities and psychological peculiarities; and, therefore, assigning the relevant and  motivating individual tasks.

The paper traces the history of the case-study, as well as so­me the­ore­ti­cal and met­ho­do­lo­gi­cal as­pects of its implementation in teaching pro­cess; the pedagogic goals fulfilled by means of the given technology are listed along with its advantages compared to other methods. The «case-study» term, its structure and working algorithms are defined. The application examples relating to en­vi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­ti­on at dif­fe­rent le­vels are given.

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Index terms: edu­ca­ti­onal techno­logy, ca­se study, com­pe­ten­ce-ba­sed appro­ach, the prob­lem-solving te­ac­hing met­hod, environmental com­pe­ten­ce.

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