Frants A. S., Zybina O. O.

Title of the article The Refinement as the Moral Precondition for the Man’s  Intellectual Creative Activity (the Historical Aspect)
Authors Frants A. S., Zybina O. O.
In the section CULTURE STUDIES
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper is devoted to the et­hi­cal and cul­tu­ra­l facilitation of in­tel­lec­tu­al cre­ati­ve ac­ti­vi­ti­es. The met­ho­do­lo­gy ba­sis of the re­se­arch compiles the dif­fe­ren­ti­ated analysis of Russian moral cul­tu­re and axi­olo­gi­cal analysis of its edu­ca­ti­onal po­ten­ti­al.

The aut­hors descri­be the spe­ci­fi­cs of the system of aris­toc­ra­tic mo­ral qualities and re­fi­ne­ment; their main characteristics being observed. The no­velty of the appro­ach involves the un­derstan­ding of the aris­toc­ra­tic mo­ral val­ues as a ne­ces­sary con­di­ti­on for the pro­duc­ti­ve in­tel­lec­tu­al and cre­ati­ve ac­ti­vity. The aut­hors investigate the his­toric origin of the aris­toc­ra­tic mo­ral val­ues, and define the functi­ons and spe­ci­fi­cs of the Rus­si­an type of aris­toc­ra­tic cul­tu­re; the ob­jec­ti­ve and sub­jec­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons of its for­ma­ti­on are highlighted, as well as the integrity of the refinement inherent in people engaged in in­tel­lec­tu­al and cre­ati­ve ac­ti­vi­ti­es.

The authors believe that revival of the refinement, as one of the aspects of the Russian moral culture, depends on both the development of our own nation and the the world society as a whole. Nowadays, when the postindustrial society is giving way to the informational one, the production of information takes the leading part in social life. The information and knowledge, being its unified products, provide new ways for evolving of the phenomenon of refinement. Its pedagogic potential should be implemented in the process of education and upbringing.

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Index terms: national mo­ral cul­tu­re, va­ri­ant of the aris­toc­ra­tic mo­ral cul­tu­re, re­fi­ne­ment, edu­ca­ti­on, spi­rit­ua­lity, per­so­na­lity, ge­ne­ro­sity, cre­ati­vity, know­led­ge of the world.

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