Perminov Y. A.

Title of the article Theoretical Basics of Teaching Discrete Mathematics
Authors Perminov Y. A.
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper deals with the re­se­arch findings concerning the process of mastering the the­ore­ti­cal ba­sics of discre­te mat­he­ma­tics by the students of  vo­ca­ti­onal pedagogic profile. The met­ho­do­lo­gi­cal analysis is ba­sed on the sub­ject and functi­ons of the mo­dern discre­te mat­he­ma­tics and its ro­le in mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling and com­pu­ting.

The modern discrete mathematics (i.e. mathematics of the finite type structures) plays the important role in modernization of vocational training. It is especially relevant to training students for vocational pedagogic qualifications, as in the future they will be responsible for training the middle and the senior level specialists in engineering and technical spheres. Nowadays in different industries, there arise the problems which require for their solving both continual – based on the classical mathematical methods – and discrete modeling.

The teaching co­ur­se of discre­te mat­he­ma­tics for the future vocational te­ac­hers sho­uld be re­le­vant to the tar­get qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and aimed at mastering the mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling, systems of com­pu­ter mat­he­ma­tics and com­pu­ter techno­lo­gi­es. The author emphasizes the fun­da­men­tal ro­le of mastering the lan­gua­ge of al­geb­ra­ic and se­ri­al struc­tu­res, as well as the lo­gi­cal, al­go­rithmic, com­bi­na­tory sche­mes do­mi­na­ting in discre­te mat­he­ma­tics.

The guidelines for se­lec­ti­ng the con­tent of the co­ur­se in discre­te mat­he­ma­tics are specified. The theoretical findings of the research can be put in­to prac­ti­ce whilst de­ve­lo­ping cur­ri­cu­la and wor­king prog­rams for bac­he­lors and mas­ters’ tra­ining.

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Index terms: te­ac­her of vo­ca­ti­onal tra­ining, the discre­te mat­he­ma­tics, the­ore­ti­cal ba­ses of bachelors and masters’ training for vocational pedagogic qualifications.

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