Vorobyeva I. V., Kruzhkova O.V.

Title of the article Optimization Model of Subjectivity Formation in Educational Environment
Authors Vorobyeva I. V., Kruzhkova O.V.
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The pa­per is devoted to the issues of the subjectivity formation in the edu­ca­ti­onal en­vi­ron­ment, as well as the application of the relative psycho-technologies of facilitation and op­ti­mi­za­ti­on of the pro­cess.

 The correlation between the notions of personality and subject is considered, though their scientific and semantic distinctions still remain obscure. In the framework of the competence approach, based on the concepts of accepted in education and psychology functional paradigm, the above terms are widely spread. Therefore, finding out the specifics of their genesis is both relevant and up-to-date. The authors conclude that the personality and subject are not equivalents, the same as the personality growth is not equivalent to the subjectivity formation.

 By means of the­ore­ti­cal analyses of the domestic approaches to the phenomena of sub­ject and sub­jec­ti­vity, the four-stage pro­cess of the sub­jec­t-­ge­nesis in the edu­ca­ti­onal en­vi­ron­ment has been mo­de­led. At every stage of subjectivity formation in the particular conditions, it is necessary to use psycho-technologies relating to the actual targets of subject-genesis, which makes it possible to optimize the educational process in the context of the competence approach. The level-based descrip­ti­on of the given pro­cess is pro­po­sed along with the mo­del of its op­ti­mi­za­ti­on in implementing the tar­ge­t psycho-­techno­lo­gi­es. The mo­del can be applied both as a met­ho­do­lo­gy ba­sis for the complex development and op­ti­mi­za­ti­on of psycho-pe­da­go­gi­cal facilitation of the sub­jectivity formation, and as a the­ore­ti­cal ba­sis for the educational strategy de­ve­lop­ment and cor­rec­ti­on in a par­ti­cu­lar edu­ca­ti­onal establishment.

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Index terms: edu­ca­ti­onal en­vi­ron­ment, sub­jec­ti­vity, personality growth, sub­jec­t- ge­ne­sis, psycho-­techno­lo­gi­es of the edu­ca­ti­onal en­vi­ron­ment op­ti­mi­za­ti­on.

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