Buzygina M. V.

Title of the article Axiological Significance of Historical Pedagogic Expertise of Foreign Language Teaching
Authors Buzygina M. V.
Year 2012 Issue №3 Pages  
Type of article   Index UDK   Index BBK  

The paper deals with one of the most ur­gent prob­lems of lan­gua­ge teaching in Russia – the need for raising the qua­lity of fo­re­ign lan­gua­ge and cul­tu­re te­ac­hing in compulsory se­con­dary scho­ol. By analyzing the current nor­ma­ti­ve do­cu­ments and pers­pectives of further de­ve­lop­ment, the basic val­ues of lan­gua­ge teaching we­re highlighted, corre­la­ted with the teaching ex­pe­ri­en­ce and ac­hi­eve­ments of the pre-re­vo­lu­ti­onary era. For the first ti­me, the is­sue was discussed at the re­gi­onal le­vel of one of the re­mo­te Russian ter­ri­to­ri­es–to the south of the Urals.

The ba­sic re­se­arch met­hods include the his­to­ri­cal, lo­gi­cal and com­pa­ra­ti­ve analysis of lan­gua­ge teaching in the pre-re­vo­lu­ti­onary era ref­lec­ted in some pre­vi­ously unknown archi­ves do­cu­ments.

The up­da­ting of the his­to­ric pe­da­go­gi­cal ex­pe­ri­en­ce emphasized in the paper could, on the one hand, pre­ser­ve the national lan­gua­ge teaching tra­di­ti­ons, and on the ot­her hand, give way to in­no­va­ti­ve regional projects facilitating the lan­gua­ge teaching, mul­ti­lin­gua­lism and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral trends in so­ci­ety.

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Index terms: fo­re­ign lan­gua­ge teaching, poly-cul­tu­re, multilingualism, differentiated lin­gual po­licy, mo­de­ra­tor of the fo­re­ign language cul­tu­re.

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